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电 话13362210888

传 真0572-6230999

邮 箱jsfcyf@163.com

地 址浙江长兴经济开发区

网 址www.kingsaf.com




公司先后被命名(评定)为中国驰名商标、全国守合同重信用单位、中国民营企业综合竞争力50强、国家高新技术企业、全国服装行业百强企业、浙江省重点骨干企业、浙江省诚信示范企业、浙江省名牌产品、浙江省100只拳头产品骨干企业、浙江省“三优”企业,浙江省文明单位等,是中国人民解放军、中国人民武装警察部队和国家公安部指定的军、警服材料定点企业。通过了ISO9001、ISO14001国际体系认证和Oeko-Tex Standard 100生态纺织品国际认证。金三发粘合衬、非织造布和铅酸蓄电池3个主打产品全部获得国家免检产品称号。产品销售市场已拓展到世界各地。


电 话:0572-6230888
传 真:0572-6230999
手 机:13362210888
地 址:浙江长兴经济开发区(金三发集团)
Zhejiang King three rounds of New Textile Group Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of high-grade fusible interlining garments, non-woven fabric (woven) and the battery of the national outstanding private scientific and technological enterprises. Company headquarters is located in the hinterland of the Yangtze River Delta economic circle of Taihu Lake, south of Green Water Village, the cultural state - Huzhou; to integrate Shanghai, facing the world, the company set up in Shanghai, the Shanghai headquarters.

After 20 years of effort, the company produced clothing Interlining 13 consecutive annual sales the first national counterparts, non-woven fabric (cloth) production and sales sector in China for eight consecutive years the first, high-tech batteries , energy-saving advantages of the product technology, the industry's leading brand.

The company has been named (Assessment) for the well-known trademarks in China, the National Contract credit units competitiveness of private enterprises in China 50, the national high-tech enterprises, the national garment industry hundred enterprises, key enterprises in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, model integrity enterprise, Zhejiang famous brand products, competitive products, Zhejiang Province, 100 backbone enterprises of Zhejiang Province "three excellent" enterprise, Zhejiang Civilized Unit, are the PLA, the Chinese People's Armed Police and the State Ministry of Public Security designated the Army, police uniforms material designated enterprise. Passed the ISO9001, ISO14001 international quality system certifications and Oeko-Tex Standard 100 ecological textile international certification. King three rounds of fusible interlining, non woven fabric and the lead-acid batteries three main products are all free products received the national title. Sales market has expanded all over the world.

As a national key high-tech enterprise, Zhejiang Province, 100 key provincial enterprise technology center, the company developed many high-end apparel and nonwoven fusible interlining to be included in the national Spark Program projects and national new product. At present, the golden hair products are toward the high-tech, functional, health care, the green direction.

Contact: Yun-Feng Chen (Marketing Manager)
Tel :0572-6230888
Fax :0572-6230999
Mobile: 13362210888
Emai: jsfcyf@163.com
Address: Zhejiang Changxing Economic Development Zone (gold with three rounds of Group)







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