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上海蓝广服饰有限公司是一家生机勃勃、实力雄厚、集设计生产、定做,销售为一体的专业实体, 公司生产设备现代化。 蓝广拥有一批专业设计制作人员和完整的服饰工艺体系,配有国际最新制服款式和资料,根据各行业的特点承接高档品牌西服、星级酒店、星级宾馆制服、校服、职业服装等.以蓝广为品牌的各类服饰适用于星级酒店、星级宾馆、商场、学校、三资企业、集团公司、工厂企业,办公室等等。本公司面料齐全、款式多样,为客户上门设计,度身定制,价格优惠,质量保证。承接迅速,数量不限,并有良好的售后服务。蓝广真诚希望能为您的企业形象塑造尽我们的绵薄之力 。

Company brief introduction
Blue and wide dress limited company in Shanghai is one is animate, the real strenght is strong and gather design production and make to order, selling for the professional entity of integral whole.The company produces an equipments modernization. The blue and wide dress owns a professional design manufacture the dress craft of the personnel and integrity system, having nations to fight down style and data lately, accepting upscale brand lounge suit, star class cabaret, the star class guest house uniform, school to take according to the characteristics of each profession, occupation clothing etc..With blue wide for each kind of dress of brand is applicable to a star class cabaret, star class guest house, market, school, three property business enterprise, group company, factory business enterprises, office etc..The noodles of our company anticipates well-found, the style is diverse, coming a design for the customer, the degree body makes to order, price special discount, quality control.Accept quickly, the amount is unlimited, also good after-sales service.Blue widely sincere hope can for your business enterprise image mold our humble efforts to the utmost.







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