上海同良是一家集布料织造、染整;面料复合、过胶、上自粘、抽裁条加工,海绵及海绵制品生产于一体的集团 化公司。公司在福建省长乐市有多家专业从事服装、鞋用网布生产的工厂,产品广泛用于制鞋、制帽、箱包、 服装、汽车内装饰、医疗用品等行业。公司在上海拥有全新进口复合机6台。公司经过多年艰苦的努力与不 断开拓,以信誉好、质量佳、服务规范、价格最低,在同行业中享有声誉。追求卓越乃是公司同仁的一贯理 念、追求卓越亦是公司品质优良的保证,追求卓越更是企业发展的动力。
Shanghai Tongliang Compound Ware Co.,Ltd is a group company that integratesc-loth weaving and dying, cloth material compounding, gluing,sticking, scissoring, poduction of sponge and sponge products. The Company has a number of production plants that produce costumes and shoes looped fabric which is widely used in shoe-s, caps, suitcases, garments, car inner decoration and medical treatment things.E-njoying 6 sets of modern compound process machine and resorting to years of consi-stent efforts, the Company is boasting a know fame in the industry for good redit, top quality , standardized services and low rice.Pursing excellence is the common value of all Tongliang people , which serves as the assurace of the quality of its products and the drive force for the Company’s growth as well.