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电 话0535-8562777

传 真0535-8561129

邮 箱jieyue2000@hotmail.com

地 址龙口市诸由观镇赵刘村

网 址www.jieyue.com.cn


山 东 洁 月 集 团 有 限 公 司 简 介

山东洁月集团有限公司位于山东龙口市,是一个集喷丝、制条、毛纺、漂染、织造、印花、整装为一体的大型国家级企业集团。主要生产“洁月”牌系列巾被,包括:腈纶、全涤、纯棉提花毛巾被、枕巾、浴巾、沙滩巾;纯棉割绒断档印花毛巾、刺绣毛巾、螺旋毛巾、刮底印花枕巾;丙腈提、喷花毛巾被、枕巾、浴巾等200多个花色品种。产品深受国内外客户青睐。畅销国内各省、市、自治区,并出口欧盟、东南亚、非洲国家及地区。91年始连续5年捧走了商业部的“奋进杯”,1995年—2003年连续被山东省纺织产品质量监督检验所全部抽样质量合格,96、97两年相继获烟台市、山东省著名商标;98年获山东省政府名牌;2003年再次被山东省质量技术监督局、省工商局评定为省名牌产品、山东省著名商标;2004年获国家工商总局评定的国家级 “守合同重信用企业”。

Shandong Jieyue Group Co., Ltd. is located in Longkou City, Shandong Province. The company is a large national-class enterprise, combing thread spurting, line
making,spinning,dying, knitting, printing and packing together, mainly manufacturing
“Jieyue” series towels. The main products include acrylic, polyester, cotton towel
blanket, pillow cover, bath towel, beach towel; cotton cut pile printed towel with satin stripe, embroidery towel, spiral towel, cut pile printed pillow cover; Polypropylene and acrylic jacquard spray printed towel blanket, pillow cover, bath towel etc. The products are popular at home and abroad, namely European Union, Southeast Asia and Africa. The company won the prize “Fenjinbei” from Ministry of Commerce five time since 1991. The products passed the quality examination organized by Shandong Texture Quality Inspection Bureau from 1995 to 2003. The product also gained the “Outstanding Trademark” at municipal and provincial level in 1996 and 1997 and “Shandong Top Brand” in 1998 and 2003. The group was evaluated “shouhetong zhongxinyong enterprise” by the national industrial and commercial bureau in 2004.







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