we are leather bag factory located in Guangzhou, we gladly invite you come to visit us.
We specialize in designing and manufacturing high quality bags, including fashion ladies handbag, briefcase, tote bag, waist bag, travel cases, wrist bag, hobo bag, flap bag, cosmetic Bag, shoulder bag and so on, we also produce other leather products such like belt. we have our brands, With several professional bag designers,we design bags ourselves which are both fashionable and practical,we supply OEM production service, With selected materials and 20 years experience,we supply you best quality and factory price.please send us design photograph,then we can work for you!
we have established very good business relationship with some companies in U.S.A an Eu countries.they place regular order to us because we are focus on quality more for them, we are looking for long term cooperation.We believe we will be your reliable supplier.