we also have Polyester and nylon intertexture peach skin fabric With our own factory, we produce a wide range of polyester and nylon fabric with high quality and competitive price. The color, specification,width and style can be adjusted according to your requiremts. Pls feel friendly to contact me if you have any interests .
东恒企业 旗下 吴江市联亚喷织厂是一家成长中的工厂,专业织造各种化纤类喷水产品,可以织造各种平纹、斜纹、缎纹、双喷、提花类化纤面料及里料,年喷织各类化纤布1500万米以上;常年在机有;桃皮绒、塔夫绸、色丁、春亚纺等产品;工厂以优越的质量严谨的管理取得了良好的信誉,专业为市场提供一流的桃皮绒面料;所有交接客户的桃皮绒坯布均为A等品,包质量、包缩水。企业做精做大桃皮绒品牌为公司的发展推波助澜。工厂承接各种化纤类里面料坯布的加工和销售业务。承接各种桃皮绒面料定单。