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我要发布主营产品: raw silk yarn, douppion silk yarn, tussah silk yarn, spun silk yarn,silk fabrics (georgette, crepe de chine, habotai, pongee, chiffon etc)
NanChong M.J Silk Co., Ltd. was found in 1996. As a fast growing silk manufacturer, trader and exporter with advanced management and capable sales team, the company has set up good business cooperation with many customers from home and abroad. The Company mainly deals with raw silk, silk fabrics and silk products, and has a production ability of 200 tons silk yarns (raw silk yarn, douppion silk yarn, tussah silk yarn, spun silk yarn), 5 million meters silk fabrics (georgette, crepe de chine, habotai, pongee, chiffon etc) annually. The company also can produce various silk products according to customer’s requirement. The company stick to the guideline “Quality is life, Customer is first”, and has won more and more customers' confidence by its good quality, competitive price, and prompt delivery. The company is looking forward to cooperate and develop together with old and new friends from home and abroad.
所在地区: 四川
立即询盘主营产品: 各类厂丝,双宫丝,绢丝,土丝,以及各类丝绸,如双绉,乔其,电力纺,洋纺等.
四川丝绸进出口公司地处“天府 之国”——四川成都。 四川是中国蚕桑、丝绸的发源地,素有“蚕业古国”之称,是著名的丝绸之乡,早在两千多年前, 四川丝绸就通过举世闻名的“丝绸之路”远销中亚、西亚和欧洲,成为链接东西方文化、贸易纽带上的一颗璀璨明珠。四川蚕茧和桑蚕丝产量占中国的1/4,世界的1/6,是中国最大的丝绸商品出口基地之一,得天独厚的自然条件为公司的经营发展奠定了良好基础. 公司是集“贸、工、农、科研”为一体的大型综合性现代企业,统一经营四川省茧丝绸商品出口,并从事其生产与开发,是四川乃至西部地区的行业龙头企业,年出口创汇额占四川省总值的1/10,占全省丝绸商品出口的90%, 是中国最大的500家外贸企业之一。是外经贸部在四川唯一重点联系企业。 公司拥有一只高素质的专业外贸队伍,在二十年的对外贸易中,创立了“金顶”、“飞泉”、“银琅”、“波浪”、“绿生”、“凯妮司”等国际知名品牌,建立了广泛的市场网络体系,以良好的商业信誉与西欧、美国、加拿大、日本、印度、东南亚、港澳等50多个国家和地区的客商建立了稳定的贸易关系。 公司主营茧、丝、绸系列商品出口,兼营其他非丝绸商品。公司将以“人才高素质,产品高质量,经营高效益“为理念,以”重合同,守信誉,让顾客获得满意的产品和服务“为经营宗旨,竭诚希望与新老客户本着互利互惠的原则,采取多种形式扩大合作,共谋发展。
所在地区: 四川