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风险评估 产业链 交易中心 企业邮局 B2B研究中心 联系我们 浏览旧版

Weifang Embroidery and Textiles factory

网站首页 公司介绍 产品展示 联系方式 0536-8326031



电 话0536-8326031

传 真0536-8382080

邮 箱sunacyer@yahoo.com.cn

地 址68 Beimen Street Weifang Shandong China

网 址


We are the manufacturer of the following products in Shandong China, We can produce hundred kinds of embroideries in many categories such as laces, computer embroidery, machine embroidery handicrafs, decorative ribbons, embroidery articles for clothes, in details, which are as follows:
1. laces in various designs and width. 2. embroidery shirting.
3. embroidery handicrafts. 4. computer embroidery.
5.manchine embroidery products. 6. decorative ribbons.
7.curtains. 8. drawnwork and embroidery
9. traycloth, pianocloth,sofacloth tablecloth. 10.quilt cover with laces.
11.machine embroidery bedspread. 12.machine embroidery bedspread with laces.
We are also the manufacturer of the following products I hope you will be interested in our products. We can produce many kinds of quilting products such as
1.bed cover. 2.bed sheets. 3.mattress cover. 4.quilt cover.
5. pillowcases. 6.bed cushion cover. 7.quilting mattress. 8. bed cover with embroidery
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