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我要发布主营产品: 纺粘丙纶无纺布
本企业是生产纺粘法非织布及化纤制品的专业制造厂,产品采用聚丙稀(Polypropylene)为原材料,经高温熔融.喷丝成网.热轧粘合.卷绕分切等连续生产工艺.目前主要是系列为S和SS. 产品精细度强,手感好.产品质量达到国内一流水准. 产品特点:(1) 强力高.纵横向强力差异小; (2) 耐酸碱.无毒.与人体生理无害; (3) 具有优良的透气性; (4) 原液染色,不褪色; 产品规格:(1) 克重范围:(10---250克)/平方米; (2) 最大幅宽:2.6m(可按要求定尺加工); (3) 颜色:可根据用户要求(样板生产); 产品用途:(1) 工业--路基布.护堤布.防水卷材用布.汽车内装饰布.过滤材料; (2) 鞋革--衬布.鞋袋.鞋套.复合材料; (3) 农用--桌布.沙发订垫用布.一次性内衣裤; (4) 医疗护具--防护服.手术服.口罩.帽子.袖套.床单.枕套等; (5) 包装--复合水泥袋.被絮储放袋.西装袋.购物袋.礼品袋.箱包及箱包衬布等综合袋.
所在地区: 广东
立即询盘主营产品: 包装盒/袋,不干胶贴,画册,网站……
乐开花集团(亚洲)有限公司是家居用品和文化用品的优秀制造商和进出口商. 集团公司现拥有职员1200多人,其中产品品质管理60人,销售服务200余人,高级职称25人.职员平均文化水平中专以上. 公司生产品质控制科学,自动化程度高,设备行业领先,售后服务完善, 生产环境基本实现了无尘化, 通过ISO9001:2000质量体系认证. 公司主要客户群有 沃尔玛 上海美亚21便利连锁有限公司 迪士尼 美商智迈 他们都是国际顶级采购商和分销商,他们选择和肯定乐开花,体现了我公司具备了可靠的生产能力和国际供应经验! 公司主要生产: 文化用品有:打印标签,手写标签,彩喷标签, 邮寄标签, 相片标签, 办公标签, 针式打印标签, 媒体标签,特种标签,随意贴, 纹身贴,书本课本保护膜,窗户保护膜,标价纸等。 家居新品有:粘尘纸, 粘尘滚筒,粘尘器,粘尘本系列。环保、防瘟疫除四害系列: 粘鼠板,粘蟑螂屋,粘蝇条,粘蝇板,粘昆虫,粘鼠屋系列, 防滑垫, 粘钩等。 时尚礼品有:礼品挂历, 台历, 广告笔, 气球, 扑克, 美容礼盒, 精美礼袋等。 印刷产品有:各类中高档包装盒,包装袋.化妆品标签,企业画册网站,彩色自动贴标签和特种标签等。 Lucky Flower is an excellent anufacturer, Importer & Exporter. Lucky Flower owns more than 500 staff, including 25 qualtity control, 50 customer services. We also own 8 person who has professional quality in this area. All staff has a degree. Our company have advanced equipments and scientific quality control, together with high automatic producing process and good after-sale service. Our factory almost reach the non-dust producing requirement, which make us pass the ISO 9001:2000 quality certification. Our main customers: Wal-mart Shanghai MAYA 21 Century Shop Chain Disney Corporate Express They are all top international buyers and distributors. They chose and affirm Lucky Flower, it shows Lucky Flower have a reliable producing ability and international supply experience. Lucky Flower Company"s main Products: 1. Household products: lint roller series, dust catcher, dust cleaner, lint book. Anti-pestilence pest control series(poison free, environment protected): glue mouse board, cockroach house, glue mouse house, glue insect board, glue fly strip series, hot-resistant mat, adhesive hook, etc. 2. Office products: printing labels, manual labels, color printing labels, mailing labels, photo labels, office printing labels, ink jet printing labels, filing labels, special labels, stickers, body stickers, book cover, window cover, price tags etc. 3. Printing and Packaging Products: make-up label printing, special labels etc.
所在地区: 广东
立即询盘主营产品: 电缆用无纺布,油毡用无纺布等
所在地区: 河北