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我要发布主营产品: 无纺布,礼品袋,无纺布包装袋,手提袋.
晋江兴泰集团是外商独资企业,总投资1300万美元,占地面积130亩。位于依山傍水的晋江市五里工业园区,北临福夏公路,交通十分便利。公司拥有世界先进水平的水刺生产线两条;纺粘生产线三条;三维卷曲中空涤纶纤维生产线两条;喷胶棉生产线两条。年生产能力18000吨。形成了以无纺制品为主的综合性企业集团。 产品广泛应用于医疗卫生、服装鞋帽、床上用品、生活用品、人造革基布、水利工程、装饰材料、电子电工、旅游用品等领域。本公司奉行“以人为本,追求卓越,强化管理,科学创新”的经营宗旨。 Jingjiang Xingtai Group is a solely foreign investment enterprise. With a total investment of 13million dollars, the enterprise has an area of 130 Mu. Located in Wuli Industrial Zone close to both mountains and the sea, and equipped with the world’s advanced technology, the company has two spunlace lines; three lines for sponbond; two lines to produce hollow-type PET staple fiber and two lines to produce spray-bonding products. The company has total annual production capacity of 18,000 tons, which enables the company to become an enterprise to produce different kinds of nonwoven products like medical & sanitary materials, garments, shoes, beddings, artificial leather substrate, water conservancy project, furnishing materials, electronic as well as travel products etc.
所在地区: 福建
立即询盘主营产品: 箱包.皮革制品.无纺布制品
所在地区: 福建