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我要发布主营产品: 尿垫(一次性以及多次反复使用的),无纺布成衣以及其它医疗产品
HANGZHOU JINCHENG MEDICAL SUPPLIES & MANUFACTURE CO., LTD is wholly-owned subsidiary of the Medtecs Group, Medtecs International Corporation Limited, listed on Singapore Stock Exchange in 1999,is a leading manufacturer and exporter of an integrated line of disposable & reusable apparel and underpads for the healthcare industry in our place. Over the years, MedTecs Group has established strong presence in the U.S. and has expanded into Europe and the Asia Pacific region. Currently, we have ten manufacturing facilities located in the Philippines, Cambodia, Africa, Taiwan, and China. Thus, it is easier for us to run global operations and be more competitive in the market. We have established close business relationship with many famous manufactures in USA & Europe and provided them with a one-stop solution for several years so that the stable supplies, the quality guarantee as well as the flexible ways doing business can be reached. The following are our partial items which you might be interested in: I.Disposable & Reusable underpads & bibs II.Disposable &reusable surgical gowns with hand towels & drapes III.Disposable &reusable patient gowns & coverall & ISO gowns & lab coats & jackets IV. Disposable &reusable bed linen & pillowcase & cubicle curtain V. Disposable &reusable masks, Shoecovers and Gloves
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 无纺布 针刺无纺布 功能性无纺布
绍兴科信无纺布有限公司是由国家大型企业——浙江永通集团公司投资兴建的非织造专业企业。公司位于绍兴钱清镇104国道旁,紧邻中国钱清轻纺原料市场,东距绍兴市区25公里,西邻杭州市区30公里,地理位置优越,水陆交通便捷。公司核心人员已有十余年的无纺布开发、生产经历,具有一定的理论知识和实践经验。 “科技创新、诚信经营”是我公司的企业理念。针对国内外非织造布市场的现状,本着高起点、高档次的原则,公司将特种无纺布作为企业的主导产品,我们将充分发挥自身的技术优势和开发能力,利用纺织、印染、化工、塑料等技术与非织造技术的融合,吸收先进的科研成果,开发各种特殊用途的非织造布产品,以满足国民经济各行业的需求。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘所在地区: 浙江