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我要发布主营产品: 纺织品、轻工品、机电产品、化工品的进出口业务和外派劳务业务
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 无纺布,复合无纺布
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 棉纱,坯布,面料
上海大耀纺织品有限公司是一家集工贸为一体的实业公司,公司拥有自营进出口权,旗下企业有:无锡汇达印染厂、无锡金和纺织有限公司,并拥有北方大型纺织企业邯郸四棉华东地区的独家销售代理权。 公司产品从坯布织造、染色到成品整理一条龙生产,连续长车轧染生产线两条和专业涂料染色生产线一条,主要生产纯棉、涤棉、麻棉等专业梭织坯布及休闲面料,年销售额达4亿元人民币。 公司拥有强大的坯布定织及常规品种的供货能力,并在此基础上研发专业梭织休闲面料,织造方面相继开发出竹节、弹力提花、高支高密等系列产品。印染方面尤以水洗、涂层、防阻、复合、起皱、起毛等后整理见长,在生产的各个环节我们都有专业的工程师、技术人员严格把关,确保质量,使我们的产品区别于一般的面料生产厂家。 公司秉承“专业、快速、创新、服务”的经营理念,以“多品种、不限量、交货快、质量好”的服务宗旨赢得了同行及客户的认同和好评,也为公司赢得了良好的信誉。 大耀人愿以执着的务实精神为您服务,共创辉煌! Shanghai Dayao Textile Co.,Ltd. is a industrial and trading company that includes Wuxi Huida Printing and Dyeing Factory and Wuxi Jinhe Textile Co.,Ltd. We also have the self-support im-export right,and is the sole agency of the large enterprise -- Handan No.4 textile factory in the east china. We can do all the produce procedure–weaving grey fabric, dyeing and finishing.The company has two pad batch dyeing lines and one pigment dyeing line.We mainly deal with the shuttlewoven grey fabric and causal fabric that made from cotton,T/C,linen/cotton and etc. Our annual reaches to RMB 400,000,000. We are capable of supply the conventional fabric and ordering fabric. Base on this,we explored the special shuttle-woven casual fabric. In weaving aspect, we have been researched and developed the slub fabric,stetch jacquard fabric, high count and high denstity fabric. In the printing and dyeing aspect, we are especially good at finishing, such as washing,coating,flame proof,compound,wrinkle and raising. The company has professional engineers and technicians to control the quality of the product in every producing tache so as to make our company different from others’. We corporate philosophy “ professional, efficient, creativeness, and perfect service ” in our mind. We gain the craft brother’s recognization and established good reputatin in the industry by carry out the service tenet – “multi-varieties,unlimited in quantity, quick delivery, high quality”. We are dedicated to meeting our customers’ expectations and to forming partnerships for continuesd long-term growth .
所在地区: 江苏