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我要发布主营产品: 无纺布医用防护面料一次性防护服装
乐芙企业是由针织制衣厂和非织造产业 用布厂组成企业以产品科技含量高生产加工精为基点努力开拓创新,在特殊产业用纺织品后整理行业处于领先地位. 以科学环保先进为基调的非织造产业用布厂系各类无纺布基布专业后整理,医疗卫生和特种防护用品成品生产可整理的无纺布品种有针刺,水刺纺,纺粘等,主要以整理高克重高要求如拒水拒油搞静电等特殊品种特长生产能力吨每年. 我们真诚期待您的惠顾.
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: pvc coated fabric
DEAR SIR, We,Hangzhou Fuchun Plastic Co., Ltd. is a specialized manufacturer and exporter of PVC coated fabric in China with accumulated experiences and excellent business credit. Our products are customer-oriented to any demand, coming in with good quality and competitive price for wide applications such as garment, case, bag, furniture etc. A Our company is located in Yaqian, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, China, occupied land area 43,290 square meters and factory area 20,000 square meters with 300 employees. If you are interested in our products, please feel free to contact us with your detailed requirements(better samples), we''ll responses asap. B/RGDS! Frank Fan Sales Manager Hangzhou Fuchun plastic co.,ltd Add: Yaqian, Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, China Tel: +86-571-82782500 Fax: +86-571-82783220 email:
所在地区: 浙江