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我要发布主营产品: 主要
所在地区: 福建
立即询盘主营产品: 主要
专业提供各类运动鞋及童鞋。 本公司方针"质量第一、改进创新;信誉第一、客户满意";以引导风尚,走向自然,坚持质量改进与创新,实施品牌战略,以先进的技术与科学管理给顾客可靠的质量保证,迎接21世纪挑战,为加入WTO后更好稳步走进国际做好准备,产品主要远销:欧美、东南亚等二十多个国家和地区,产品质量深得这些国家或地区的称道依赖,愿与海外商家抓紧机遇,以互惠互利的原则,共同平等合作开拓国内外市场,一起走进新世纪,共创辉煌.
所在地区: 福建
立即询盘主营产品: 童装,运动服,沙滩鞋,休闲鞋,运动鞋
XIAMEN FINEMAX IMPORT&EXPORT CO.,LTD established in 2000.we are specialized in kinds of goods .Shoes ,clothing ,caps,arts & crafts .cereals , machinery.etc. Our products are well expected to more than 30 countries and districts .Such as American,South American .South eastern and Europe .etc. In addition to trading activities ,we also act as import & export agents ,undertaking transport and barter business ,importing materials for processing assembling accessories compensation trade,service export and compiling various kinds of trade information for customers. With highing qualified staff ,senior employee who have more than 5years import&export experience .Young personnel just graduated from colleges .Our productd have own envious reputation among customers both domestically and abroad .We providing a futher guarantee of our products ‘ quality. According to principle of “Making friends with credit “ and “Honesty as basis “.We sincerely welcome all opportunities anywhere in the world at home or abroad and hope that you will cooperate partner or trade with us .
所在地区: 福建
立即询盘主营产品: 主要
JSC STONE , located in a shining seaside pearl,xiamen,is a well-established trading companywith experience for a decade. JSC specializes in the export of various stone products, whichenioy high reputationin the market of Japan,Korea,U.S.A,europe and Australia owing to ourhigh quality,resonable price and dependable service.
所在地区: 福建
立即询盘主营产品: 主要
厦门锐力工贸有限公司成立于2000年,是一家集生产、销售、贸易、服务于一体的综合型企业。 针织品部专业生产各种男女针织内衣裤、三角裤、平脚裤、沙滩裤、文化衫、背心等等。生产基地位于享有“海上丝绸之路”美誉的泉州市,车间配备了先进的衣车设备,员工300多名,厂房5000多平米。公司本着诚信、务实、创新的精神,获得了众多客户的信赖与关照。 服饰拉链生产部,专业生产各种拉链码装、条装以及拉头,实行一条龙生产。主要产品有:3#、5#、8#、10#等各种规格的尼龙、金属、塑钢拉链,产品种类多、规格全、产量大、供货快,畅销全国及世界各地,深受广大用户的青睐。 体育用品部经营各种运动球类,如足球、篮球、排球。产品远销欧美、南美、中东、台湾等地。
所在地区: 福建