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我要发布主营产品: 服装,鞋,手套 and so on
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 勾针,棒针,绣花,机织(横机织,手编织机)1.5G,3G,6G,9G,12G
厂地处南通如皋,如皋是全国著名长寿乡,手工工艺历史悠久.它与上海隔江相望,距上海,杭州,南京皆3小时车程。 我厂主要加工,生产并销售勾针,棒针,绣花,机织(横机织,手编织机)1.5G,3G,6G,9G,12G的服装。 我厂有配套的服装厂,扎花厂,染色厂,水洗厂,整烫厂,电脑绣花车间,起皱车间。 我厂具有较强的研发能力,研发部门拥有各类工艺技术员几十名,每年开发各类新品500-600种。 我厂年产各类勾针,棒针,绣花,机织(横机织,手编织机)1.5G,3G,6G,9G,12G服装100多万件,产品远销日韩、欧美。
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 服装,制衣
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 地板袜、船鞋、针织手套、帽子、围巾
"Our company specializes in manufacturing various knit art gloves, caps, scarves, socks, etc. We now own over 400 sets of knitting equipment and over 400 staff, with about 30 members on R&D and Q/C. About 1000 new products are developed every year. Our products are mainly for export to the USA, Japan, Korea, Canada and many European countries, and are well received by customers in these countries. We have cartoon, colorful home socks for spring and autumn, most of whose treads have plastic. We also have step-in for many shapes. Furthermore, we can supply many handmade, machinery scarves, caps and fashion accessories made of acrylic, mohair, chenille and wool. By developing the popular products and improving the technology all the time so as to meet the change of the market, we guarantee the close connection between the production and the market. Our quality assurance group ensures rigid QA throughout our entire production process. As a result, we have built a strong reputation for excellence by maintaining customer trust and focus. For more information, please don't hesitate to contact us directly with your questions or inquiries."
所在地区: 江苏