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我要发布主营产品: 服装,制衣
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 地板袜、船鞋、针织手套、帽子、围巾
"Our company specializes in manufacturing various knit art gloves, caps, scarves, socks, etc. We now own over 400 sets of knitting equipment and over 400 staff, with about 30 members on R&D and Q/C. About 1000 new products are developed every year. Our products are mainly for export to the USA, Japan, Korea, Canada and many European countries, and are well received by customers in these countries. We have cartoon, colorful home socks for spring and autumn, most of whose treads have plastic. We also have step-in for many shapes. Furthermore, we can supply many handmade, machinery scarves, caps and fashion accessories made of acrylic, mohair, chenille and wool. By developing the popular products and improving the technology all the time so as to meet the change of the market, we guarantee the close connection between the production and the market. Our quality assurance group ensures rigid QA throughout our entire production process. As a result, we have built a strong reputation for excellence by maintaining customer trust and focus. For more information, please don't hesitate to contact us directly with your questions or inquiries."
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 服装
我公司始建于1992年,原厂名为"金坛市侨谊服装厂",2001年与台商合资创办合资企业,取名为"常州庆凰服饰有限公司"(属台商合资企业),原厂名依然保留。本公司是集产、供、销为一体、内外贸结合的外向型企业,并享有自营出口权。 公司地处金坛市城南开发区南环二路68号,交通十分便捷,占地面积约6000平方米,全厂职工350余人,有各类产品开发和专业技术人员、管理人员10余名,业务精干,素质优异。厂区内环境优美,设施先进。有4000余平方米的生产大楼;2000余平方米的办公区域。其中生产区内有各种生产设备以及其它一些辅助设备369台套,并已形成20000条的日生产能力,月生产量达600万条。 目前我公司主要以生产各式短裤和针织...
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘所在地区: 江苏