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我要发布主营产品: hats and caps
Jiangsu Xinmeng caps manufacturer is Located in Nantong City in the eastern part of China, facing Shanghai across the Yangtse River. The factory occupies 30,000 square meters premises and has 3,000 employees. With 46 years experience specializing in production of handicraft headwear and 60 sets first class embroidery machines imported from Japan, the Group can now supply more than 4,000 styles of products in 17 major categories. Its annual output has amounted to 1,800,000 dozens. Owing to the advanced equipment, selected raw materials, fine workmanship as well as the nice appearance, Its products are being well sold to more than 60 countries and regions of different continents of globe.
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 各种雪尼尔系列床上用品、晴纶围巾、羊毛围巾
?々〗鹛呈胁?新织造有限公司是专业设计、生产各种雪尼尔系列床上用品、晴纶围巾、羊毛围巾的专业织造公司。公司面积占地45亩,职工400余人,年销售量达4000万元人民币。产品质量上乘、做工精良、品种齐全、品位高雅、价格合理。 ?々∪瘸阑队?国内外客户前来洽谈业务。
所在地区: 江苏