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我要发布主营产品: 工装制服, 高档衬衫, 夹克衫, T恤, 特殊行业工作服, 文员套装
上海雅兹工贸有限公司,是一家专业从事职业工装、职业制服、高尔夫服装的生产企业。 公司主要为欧美大型在华制造型企业提供服务,结合职业装的中西特点,精心设计或改良,以满足客户需求为己任,帮助客户对解决劳防用品需要的同时又展现其优秀企业形象。服务客户例如Honeywell、L&S、CIE aggreko 等著名公司。 工装制服方面主要以文员套装、衬衫、夹克衫、T恤为主,并承接特殊行业工作服的设计制作,如专用的防静电、防尘、防水、复合涂层、防酸、阻燃、防紫外线等特种工装并有专业技术含量报告。 我们的服务理念:共同携手,绘制独有的企业制服,提升独特的企业文化.愿我们能为您提供更好的服务。
所在地区: 上海
立即询盘主营产品: 羽绒衣, 棉衣, 夹克, 童装, 梭织裤子, 休闲衬衫
浙江罗伊服饰有限公司位于浙江衢州经济开发区, 公司占地面积10000多平方米,现有员工1000多人,拥有进口国产缝纫设备,一流的厂房,先进的生产设备,现代化的办公设施。主要生产梭织类羽绒服、棉袄仔、夹克、裤子、时装、背心等各类男女以及儿童休闲系列服装, 产品远销美国、欧洲、东南亚等国家和地区,我们的客户有UMBRO,Tony Wear, Replay,Catmandoo, DDP, Snoopy,D.son,Micky Air,等等。 杭州罗伊服饰有限公司是浙江罗伊服饰有限公司的分厂,位于杭州萧山,距离杭州萧山国际机场仅8公里,交通十分便利。有员工300余人,适合做一些中高档品牌。 公司始终坚持“质量第一、顾客至上”的经营理念,严把质量关。在生产过程中做到员工自检、过程巡检、出厂全检,使每一件产品的合格率都有所保证。重合同、守信誉,始终把顾客放在第一位。 公司热忱欢迎有志之士来我公司参观、洽谈,携手共创美好的明天! Zhejiang Royal Garment Co., located in Quzhou Ecnomic Development Area of Zhejiang province, The enterprise spreads a total area over 10000 square meters and total employment reach 1000 persons. We have top ranking buildings, up to date production equipment,modern office facilities. Our main products are leisure series clothes such as down coat, cotton coat, jacket, pants and fashion clothing,vests etc., and many of our products are sold to the countries and regions in North America, Europe and Southeast Asia. the branch Hangzhou Royal Garment Co.,Ltd is located in Hangzhou City close to Xiaoshan International Airport. It has more 300 workers and can make middle- top brands. Sticking to the business philosophy of “Quality first and customer utmost”, the company always monitors the quality strictly and each product must go through three checks including self-check, process check and complete check before it is packaged for delivery. We do everything to ensure 100% up-to-grade rate, respect contracts, keep our promises and put our customers in the first position. You are warmly welcome to our company to talk about business and let’s work together for our prosperous future. Zhejiang Royal Garment Co., located in Quzhou Ecnomic Development Area of Zhejiang province, The enterprise spreads a total area over 10000 square meters and total employment reach 1000 persons. We have top ranking buildings, up to date production equipment,modern office facilities. Our main products are leisure series clothes such as down coat, cotton coat, jacket, pants and fashion clothing,vests etc., and many of our products are sold to the countries and regions in North America, Europe and Southeast Asia. the branch Hangzhou Royal Garment Co.,Ltd is located in Hangzhou City close to Xiaoshan International Airport. It has more 300 workers and can make middle- top brands. Sticking to the business philosophy of “Quality first and customer utmost”, the company always monitors the quality strictly and each product must go through three checks including self-check, process check and complete check before it is packaged for delivery. We do everything to ensure 100% up-to-grade rate, respect contracts, keep our promises and put our customers in the first position. You are warmly welcome to our company to talk about business and let’s work together for our prosperous future.
所在地区: 上海
立即询盘主营产品: T恤, 衬衫, 童装,, 男装, 女装, 精美外贸
上海赐庆贸易有限公司 精美外贸服饰网www.sun716.com舞动童年童装批发网http://www.sun61.com由上海赐庆贸易股份有限公司投资建设。精美外贸网经营成人外贸男女服装的批发业务,舞动童年网经营童装外贸批发业务。公司精神:服务客户、创造双赢 。 依托上海赐庆贸易股份有限公司多年来的外贸服装批发销售和加工经验,与许多外贸服装厂商建立有长期合作和参股的经营关系,既有定单多余货物又有跟单加工和设计新款等灵活多样款式,拥有丰富货源。公司前身是由上海嘉龙服饰批发销售商行,有着十几年的服装加工,贸易和供货批发的经验,在东南亚具有一定的知名度,在上海著名的七浦路服饰批发市场以及原华亭路服饰市场:襄阳服饰礼品市场(现为亚太国际服饰礼品市场)等均开有窗口,客户遍布国内外。为更好地拓宽市场和为客户服务,公司决定利用通过网络这一快捷;方便的平台,在线批发销售中高档外贸服装精品。 主要为客户提供外贸多余服装的批发、跟单加工、加盟合作、零售等业务,为广大客户清晰、便捷、安全地提供一条龙服务,使您不出家门,省去旅程劳累,就能拿到一手的做工精良、时尚、休闲、环保,绚丽的各类男女服装,童装。做到用最小风险达到最大赢利。本网站也是一个为加盟商提供配送货的专业外贸服装电子商务网站。建站伊始,公司坚持精品、正单的外贸品牌路线,以中高档做工精致的、价格低廉的服装韵味提供给广大客商。并为广大客户提供各种实惠价格,长期合作的客户更能体现到公司的情感关怀,真正做到双赢。
所在地区: 上海
立即询盘主营产品: 工作服,制服,防静电服,防辐射服,唐装,旗袍,经营各种特殊功能面料
所在地区: 上海