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我要发布主营产品: 丝绸,双宫绸,塔夫绸,丝麻,丝毛,婚纱绸,丝绸服装
杭州凯峰纺织品有限公司是一家具有自营进出口权的中外合资企业,坐落于中国浙江杭州市。杭州素有"丝绸之府"之美誉,丰富的自然资源,悠久的丝绸历史,浓厚的文化底蕴,造就了杭州丝绸产业的繁华。 公司创建于80年代,是丝绸面料及服装的专业生产企业,有专业的设计人员和先进的机械设备,已通过了ISO9001-2000质量管理体系论证,公司主要产品有各类真丝绸系列、双宫绸系列、塔夫系列、丝麻、丝毛交织系列以及为婚纱配套的真丝婚纱绸系列。年产各类丝绸面料150万米,服装60万件。公司以其独特的工艺设计和精湛的织造技术在同行中享有较好的声誉,产品远销海外。 本公司崇尚"一丝不苟、求质求新、不断进取、追求完美"的宗旨,奉行以质量求发展、以管理要效益的经营理念。喜迎八方客,广做天下衣,为美化生活、精彩人生不断进取,不断奉献。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: apprales,shirts,chidren''s suits,衬衫,童装
Golden Key International Trading Ltd. was established 1992 and is backed by 25 years of manufacturin experience in Zhejiang, China. Although Golden Key mainly produces outerwear for men, women and children, our other specialties include jackets, sportswear, casual wear, shirts, t-shirts, fleece and sweaters. We use mainly Chinese made fabrics and trims. Golden Key International Trading Limited has an international trading office in Vancouver, BC, Canada, whose main job is the exporting business for the company. Any interested customer should feel free to contact that office at any time. With all the new technology, communication between China and Vancouver is excellent. We take advantage of email, internet and sketching and photo software. If you provide us with a sample, we can sketch and reproduce your garment perfectly.
所在地区: 浙江