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我要发布主营产品: 服装, 面料, , , ,
所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: PTFE膜, 防水透湿复合面料, 功能性复合面料加工, 三明治、网布, ,
青岛志腾科技有限公司位于青岛市服装工业园内。公司引进先进的聚四氟乙烯膜生产设备与技术,自主生产的PTFE膜具有:防水透湿、防风透水、阻隔细菌、病毒等多种功能。面料可广泛应用于军警服、各种登山、滑雪、高尔夫等户外运动服、休闲服、鞋、帽、手套、医用防护服、化学防护服、阻燃耐高温消防服以及睡袋、帐篷等。 Qingdao Zhiteng Textile Tech Co.Ltd is located in Qingdao clothing industry garden. The company introduces advanced teflon membrane production equipment and the technology, independent production waterproof soak, windproof water percolation, impediment bacterium, virus and so on many kinds of functions.The lining may widely apply in police suits, the leisure clothing, the shoes, the hat, the glove, the medical exposure suit, chemistry exposure suit and so on armed forces police uniform, each kind of mountaineering, ski, golf, is flame-resistant the thermostable fire-fighting suit as well as the sleeping bag, the tent and so on.
所在地区: 山东