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Dear Sir or Madam, . We avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you. We are a state-owned corporation, our main product is viscose filament yarn and embroidery thread, and there are many new-developing products, such as: Cocoon protein viscose filament yarn and YAFIT viscose filament yarn, whitened viscose rayon filament yarn, viscose rayon flat type yarn, milk protein filament yarn etc. Our company product specification: the bright and dull 75D/18F, 100D/30F, 120D/30F, 150D/30F, 300D/50F 450D/75F, 600D/100F, 4000D ETC. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt of your detailed requirements. In our trade with merchants of various countries, we always adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit. It is our hope to promote by joint efforts, both trade and friendship to our mutual advantage. We look forward to receiving your enqu
所在地区: 澳门
立即询盘主营产品: 纱线 筒纱 面料
无锡太安春帆纺织有限公司专注于色纺纱线的研发、制造。自上世纪九十年代始,至今业已具备二十三年的生产制造经验,是经验丰富的色纺纱线制造厂商。是集纺纱、成衣设计为一体的私营独资企业,坐落于美丽的太湖之滨无锡市惠山区堰桥镇,位于沪宁高速无锡北出口锡澄高速璜塘出口5公里,沿江高速青阳出口10公里。 而今,“太安春帆”拥有生产厂房20000m2,优良色纺纱线设备十二台套,以及完善的打样、测试及试验设备,并有科学、创新、严谨之专业生产开发团队。出口比例达百分之八十,远销欧、美、亚洲、港、澳、台等地区。长期合作品牌:H&M,ZARA,C&A,s.Olive,美特斯邦威,以纯等。 “太安春帆”下设: 毛纺厂——从事色纺纱线生产,年生产能力300万磅 成衣设计中心——自主研发、设计,年出300-500款
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: ATY,CEY,空变丝,锦纶ATY,涤纶ATY,竹节ATY
锦纶、涤纶、竹节、锦涤、阳涤等空变丝ATY、CEY、针织用、梭织用; 40D-2000D、厂家直销、规格齐全、价格优惠、质量保证、来样定制; 苏州泓聚纤维,源头实力厂家,证书齐全,支持验厂;日本AIKI空变机设备,瑞士SSM平牵机,瑞士Heberlein喷嘴,实力强大品质优,质量包织包染。 主要用于梭织喷水、喷气,针织纬编;成品多用于服装、箱包、运动服饰、户外、牛仔、家纺床上用品等
所在地区: 江苏