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纱线 >毛纺纱线 >广东




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主营产品: 毛纱 wool textile dyeing, spinning and weaving as a whole

Brief Introduction ZHONGSHAN SHUNFANG WOOL TEXTILE CO.LTD is a group enterprise which integrates dyeing, spinning and weaving as a whole. The factory building of the company covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters. It is a firm of powerful technological force with complete equipments, combining the functions of manufacturing and marketing. It possesses of several world-brand production lines such as Italian FOR slubbing frames, German blended-wool production line, GTN/SD12 and woolen cloth post-treatment production line. The company’s annual capacity of woolen cloth and the 8-26 type knitting yarn has already exceeded one million meters and 1,200 tons respectively, which attain to the international quality specifications and are being sold to countries or regions as faraway as to the Europe, the USA, and Japan, etc. Having been holding to a managerial idea of’ Respecting the talents and emphasizing innovations’, this company has set up a high-quality team of working staff, which can in turn assure the high quality of its products. The company now has cultivated and nurtured a large group of talented managing personnel and technological mainstay with high quality and modern sense. It also owns a marketing troop keen to the target market and a team of skilled workers. We have all along persisted in a policy of customer service which goes like ‘ To keep faith and be sincere, to be reciprocal and royal to mutual benefit. ‘ And have been providing our old and new clients with the most enthusiastic services of high quality. With China’s entry to WTO, the demands from the market for exquisite technology and distinguishing quality of products are in a consistent increase. In order to adapt ourselves to the newly-born situation, we have been trying every effort to make progress in innovation, Sticking to the qualities and regarding the talented people highly; and we certainly will keep pace with the tide to cooperate with the traveling merchants from every part of the world, and hence, to create a fantastic future with remarkable verve and lofty sentiments. Advanced Equipment Science and technology are the first productivity. Shunfang Wool Textile Co. Ltd. Is in possession of a multiple variety of production lines equipped by high and new technologies, of which the imported ones occupies over 90% of the total. They are the sets of advanced Italian slubbing apparatus, the German blended-wool production line most advanced in 1990s, the German loom group, and the woolen cloth after-treatment product line as well as the world-widely-pervading Italian dyeing-and-neatening production line. Thus, the advanced manufacturing devices provide our firm with forceful guarantee of the output and quality of our products. High Quality Products Thanks to its raw materials of fine quality, its advanced facilities, its high and new technology and scientific management, the colorful and fine-quality goods of SHUNFANG WOOL TEXTILE are rather popular among the clients coming afar from each part of the word and very marketable in the nations or regions of the Europe, the USA, and Japan. Contact information: Mr. Juncai Hu Email: hujunc@yahoo.com Tel:86-755-26984573(office), 86-13751103168(cellular)

所在地区: 广东


主营产品: 高档针织,毛织用纱 如丝光棉与其它纤维混纺,,绢丝与丝光棉维混纺,羊丝光及羊绒混纺,新型的牛奶绒纱线和粘锦包芯纱等

杭州市金针纺织品有限公司(广东省佛山市金针营销部)是一家专业开发 设计 生产 销售高档针织 毛织用的公司.公司主要面向华南及华东地区高端客户,以销售有色纱线和部分高档独特的胚纱为主.

所在地区: 广东


主营产品: 毛纱,羊仔毛


所在地区: 广东


主营产品: 棉纱、毛纱、羊绒纱


所在地区: 广东


主营产品: 废金属、塑胶、电子等废料

【广东盛大物资回收公司】是广东地区规模较大、技术力量雄厚、管理较为规范的高价收购废料废品物资加工处理的大型企业。公司成立于二00二年七月二十三日,注册资本伍拾万元整的大型企业, 公司成立于二00二年七月二十三日,注册资本伍拾万元整 总公司设在东莞,业务遍布在珠江三角州,深圳\中山\广州\惠州\珠海等 【广东盛大物资回收公司】一贯的服务宗旨是:寻求以最佳的方式和最合理的价格与各公司企业合作,务必使废料资源能够变废为宝和再生利用,直接降低贵公司企业产品的制造成本,力求减少中间环节,将以终端商价向厂商直接来收购废料资源,致使各公司企业的利益损失降至最低!为了提高了产品的竞争能力,实现了公司企业利益的最大化!让我们伸出真诚的双手,真诚地合作吧!!!价格合理、平等互利、信守承诺、现金支付、安全快捷、并严格为客户保密。欢迎有废旧物资的单位及个人联系洽谈回收事宜,对提供成功业务信息者提供业务佣金。 经营范围:非生产性废金属及其他废旧物资回收〓(凭有效可证经营) 珠江三角州内高价收购工厂各种废旧五金、塑胶、电子、毛线等废料 ◆金属类:〖磷铜、红铜、紫铜、黄铜(屑)、锡、锡膏、铝(屑)、不锈钢(屑)、锌合金(渣)、铅、铁、钼贵稀金属等〗 ◆塑胶类:〖亚加力、硅胶、吸塑、ABS、PP、PS、POM、PE、PC、PVC、475、PU等〗 ◆电子类:〖电子脚、废电线电缆、线路板、电阻、电容、各种IC〗 ◆毛线类:〖羊绒纱、纯羊毛、兔毛、三七毛、羊仔毛、丝光、棉纱、拉架、高弹丝、曲珠、丝光棉等各种毛料及库存清仓毛料〗 ☆备注:各种废旧五金、塑胶、毛线等,以质论价,按市场调节,以信誉求发展。欢迎贵公司来电来信咨询,我们必将详细耐心的提供最新的价格行情!可代厂核销废料报关手续 我公司可以派专员上门到工厂看货定价,欢迎有货源单位来电联系报价 联系人:刘生:手机:13728266943\13592776186\13532800504 公司电话:0769-3036449 公司E-mail:shengda1688@21cn.com 公司业务QQ:78488042 公司网址:http://www.shengdainfo.com 推荐商务网:http://www.soma8.com 推荐建设网站域名:http://www.gdwlw.com

所在地区: 广东



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