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我要发布主营产品: 坯布,毛纱
所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: 粗纺呢绒,粗纺毛呢,呢绒,羊绒纱,毛纱,针织纱线,地毯,兔毛纱,雪兰纱,羊仔毛纱,精纺毛纱,花式纱,毛纱,地毯粗纺面料,粗纺面料,
山东天香毛纺织有限公司现有职工2000余人,其中工程技术人员530人,固定资产2.4亿元,现拥有精、粗纺纱锭10000余枚,年产高档毛呢300万米,高档服装25万件,纯毛栽绒地毯30万平方英尺,纯毛提花毛毯5万条。各种针机织毛纱600吨。2000年又经国家经贸委批准,投资4200万元,引进意大利、德国的梳、纺、自动络筒、电子拼纱、高速倍捻机两条纺纱生产线。目前属国际一流水平,可生产6-48支各种羊绒纱、羊绒混纺纱、丝羊绒纱、羊仔毛纱、雪兰纱、兔毛纱、精纺毛纱、花式线等系列产品。 您好; 打扰了,我是做纺织品面料的(粗纺),贵公司需要吗? 我也欢迎您向您的朋友和同行介绍我们公司的产品, 我们公司的产品请浏览我们的网站;或来电咨询我,我将寄产品样本给您。 http;// E-mail; 联系电话;0530-5133582 传 真;0530-5133582 联 系 人;乔龙 祝;贵公司生意兴隆,财源茂盛。
所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: all wool and wool blended polyester worsted woven fabrics,羊毛面料,混纺面料,精纺面料
Weifang Mingyang Worsted & Garments Co. Ltd is among the top-500 textile companies in China. We produce wool / polyester fabrics in any mixture so that the specific customer’s requirements are met. We have been awarded in 2000 with ISO 9001 Quality Certificate.We are also in the process of being certified with OEKO TEX Standard 100 certificate. Our annual sales are approximately USD 12 millions and most of our products are exported all over the world, including countries of Asian, America, the European Union such as Greece, France, Italy, and so on.Our annual capacity is around 800 tons, that is to say 2 millions yards.We always deliver promptly to our customers, within the agreed delivery schedule. When you need any wool worsted suiting fabrics, pls contact with us directly: dingxiaojie(AT)texmail(DOT)cn, hai-0807(AT)163(DOT)com, we'll do the best for you.
所在地区: 山东