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我要发布主营产品: 棉纺,紬丝,色纺纱.
浙江湖州威达纺织集团有限公司位于太湖南岸,“鱼米之乡”、“丝绸之府”的湖州市长兴县。地处苏浙皖三省交界,距上海、南京、苏州、无锡、芜湖等大中城市200公里,这里集交通、信息、资源为一体,使公司占据了得天独厚的地理、资源优势,吸引了国内外八方来客。 威达集团始建于1985年,是一家专业性纺纱企业,公司拥有国际最先进的德国Autocoro312型气流纺设备,年产各类纱线10000吨,主要产品有10-120公支的绢丝、紬丝,10-100英支的人造棉纱、纯棉纱三类系列产品,并可根据顾客需要提供各种混纺、色纺纱线,是集各类纱线生产为一体的大型新型纺纱企业,产品远销欧洲、美国、日本、巴基斯坦、土耳其、香港等地。 抓住机遇,开拓奋进,诚实守信是威达发展成功之本,公司连续八年被浙江省农行评为“AAA级资信企业”、湖州市“重点企业”、浙江省“三优企业”。公司的主要产品“长欣”牌紬丝被评为湖州名牌产品,并通过了ISO9002国际质量体系认证,产品产销量连续多年名列同行前茅,全部出口国际市场。企业也拥有了自营进出口经营权。 威达纺织丝缕人间,湖州威达纺织集团董事长兼总经理姚锄强愿与各界同仁携手合作,共创美好明天
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: chemical fibre yarn,woolen yarn knitting,cotton yarn,fancy yarn,etc
JIANGSU GUOTAI INTERNATIONAL GROUP GARMENTS IMP. & EXP. CO., LTD. was founded in Sep. 1992 and turned to Limited Liability Company in Nov. 1997. The company was granted Imp & Exp License in July 1999. With its registered capital RMB 22 million and 115 employees. As one of the specialized backbone Imp. & Exp. Companies of GTIG, in 2004, the company imported & exported USD 135 million, in which the total export amount was about 100 million US dollars. The company produces and exports varieties of woven and knitted garments, including wool coats, shirts, jackets, children’s wear, pajamas, cotton/ wool/ chemical fibre/ mixed fibre underwear and beddings. Besides, chemical fibre yarn, woolen yarn knitting, all kinds of cotton fabric, dyed chemical fibre fabric, yarn dyed fabric and denim, etc. We implement modern management in the company and was awarded the certificate for the compliance with the standard ISO 9001 of the QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM in 2000.
所在地区: 江苏