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我要发布主营产品: 面料加工处理
企業簡介 佛山市佑威納米紡織有限公司(〈佑威納米〉)是香港佑威國際控股有限公司(在香港交易所上市)之附屬公司,擁有瑞典德高處理技術於中國、香港及澳門的獨家使用和再分銷專利權,期內可使用瑞典德高處理技術爲各類紡織品及成衣加工。佑威納米的業務性質包括推廣、加工及出售經瑞典德高技術處理的紡織品和成衣,亦可在指定的區域內將此技術的使用權授予其他零售品牌,紡織品或成衣製造商。 Company Profile Fushanshi U-Right Nano Textile LTD. (“U-Rightnano”), a subsidiary of U-Right International Holdings Limited (a company listed in Hong Kong stock exchange ), has been granted an exclusive right to use and license the Swedish and Texcote-processing Technology for the processing of textile and garment products in the PRC, Hong Kong and Macau, U-Right Nano engages in marketing, processing and selling Swedish Texcote-treated garments and textile-related products as well as licensing the Swedish Texcote-processing Technology to other brands, textile and garment manufacturers in the defined territory. 請情請登錄我司網址
所在地区: 广东
立即询盘主营产品: 环保型防水,防油,防污后整理助剂
所在地区: 上海