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我要发布主营产品: 纱卡,平布,帆布,方格布,涤卡,锦棉布,牛仔布,线绢,纱绢,府绸,麦尔登呢,人字,灯芯绒,骑兵斜,特殊规格可定织定染
公司位于长三角地区,毗临沪宁高速、沿江高速,交通方便。公司成立20多年来,深受广大客户的好评。拥有生产流水线多条,采用国内先进的全自动电脑控制设备染色生产,风格自然、柔软性好。本厂技术力量雄厚,产品质量可靠,热忱欢迎各纺织品公司、外贸公司、服装厂来人来电咨询,洽谈,订购。 我厂宗旨:严格管理、质量第一、优质服务、信誉至上
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 麂皮绒,摇粒绒,天鹅绒,汗布,罗纹,棉毛,毛巾布,蚂蚁布
本公司生产各类针织面料,主打产品为麂皮绒,汗布,罗纹,棉毛,网眼,摇粒绒,天鹅绒,毛巾布,麂皮绒,蚂蚁布等。公司生产针织面料已有10多年历史,产品出口美国,欧洲,日本等国家和地区。 我司拥有众多经验丰富的技术管理人员,注重品质与交期,希望能与您在不久的将来有良好的合作。
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: 原产美国的废旧棉纱(可加工成再造棉花),美国再生棉等
A.H.A international Co.,Ltd(A.H.A)established in 1982 and reformed to be limited-liability company in 2001,Is one of the largest exporters & suppliers in China.Its main export lines are chemicals, Pharmaceuticals,light industrial products ,Mechanical and electrical appliances,art & craft products,Garments & textiles ,Cereals,Oils and food stuffs,Hardwares,metals and mineral prodwits ,plastics,machinery and enquipment ect. A.H.A has established solid trade relationship with over 100 countries and regions all over the world covering five continents and stable co-op with hundreds of factories in China.From 1994 to 2001,The annual volume went beyond USD100 million and since 1990,A.H.A has kept to be listed into China top 500 largest I/E enterprises for ten years . In order to strengthen the management,A.H.A has been executing ISO9001:2000 quality management system since 2001. A.H.A will keep the spirit of service priority ,Customers demand and realize mutual benefits under a harmonious co-existance circumstance .As to management,A.H.A will continiously base on the spirit of humanism and make policy scientifically ,management modernizationally and operation internationally. Sincerely we hope to be a friend of you ,and welcome cusotmers all over the world . All the members of us with full of the experience of int''''l trade.The target of us is to serve every client with best quality at most reasonable price.It''''s a company with few staff and sevral factries of our own means cost less so we can do many business .Trust us and go ahead to coop. with us,you will find every coin you pay us worths it best!
所在地区: 安徽