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我要发布主营产品: 本公司生产的中空弹性涤纶短纤维品种多,规格齐,(3-22D×32-102)颜色全,弹性好。,中空高弹性涤纶短纤维适用于:,毛绒玩具内芯的填充料,被头、枕芯、座垫、靠背垫的填充料,保温鞋子、帽子、手套、服装衬里等的填充料,涤毛混纺、涤棉混纺、地毯、喷胶棉、无纺布、长毛绒、劳保手套用料,
本公司创建于1995年,在职员工400多人,主要从事再生涤纶纤维生产,年产能力5万多吨,拥有中国最先进的自动化生产流水线,总资产约1000万美元,年销售收入约3000万美元。目前公司经营情况良好,产品供不应求,经济效益每年递增,前景广阔,有自营进出口权,并享受中国政府给予的免税等多项优惠政策。现已在日本、泰国等地投资设立分公司,从事PET塑料原料经营业务。 化纤生产流程是:PET瓶片及PET其它塑料回收-粉碎-清洗-分拣-干燥-纺丝-成品(涤纶短纤)。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This company established in 1995 is professionally engaged in the manufacture of short repolyester staple fiber with annual capacity of more than 50,000 TON. It employs a staff of over 400 persons and is equipped with advanced automatic production line of China. Its total asset is about USD10 million and the annual sales hits around USD 30 million. Currently, the company keeps good economic standing with product demand exceeding supply, economic benefits increasing on a year basis and the business prospect ever expanding, it is authorized to deal in import and export business and enjoys many preferential policies including tax exemption rendered by the Chinese government. The company has already set up branch companies in Thailand and Japan expecting to deal in PET plastic raw material. Production process of chemical fiber: PET bottle and other PET waste plastic reclaiming –smash – rinsing- sorting- drying-filature-finished goods(polyester).
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 素绉缎,电力纺,双绉,乔其,顺纡,双宫绸
所在地区: 浙江