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我要发布主营产品: 假发,发套,发帘,接发,时尚假发
我厂主要生产经营各种男,女发块,整头假发,还有各种100%的真人发制作的发帘,发条等。价格合理,欢迎惠顾。 God Corporation has business in various hairpieces for both male & female, including hairpiece of forehead and sideburns made of pure human hair. they also have various hair decoration. besides,they have all kinds of chemical fibre hair with high quality and low prices. Welcome to take it! 如您想了解我公司更多的信息,请登陆我们的网站:企业网站建设中,敬请谅解!) 如果你对我们的产品满意的话,请发邮件给我: 电话咨询:+86-0532-87640231
所在地区: 山东