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我要发布主营产品: 涤纶短纤,涤纶长丝,锦纶长丝,氨纶,纺织原料
URMS is a company offer many different of raw materials for Textile, and Plastics. Our company focus on the textile raw materials. Since 1996, the company started the first business with EC. In 2000 summer, we start the new business target, and we have many customers in all of the world. 2001 summer, the Shang Hai office started to offer the globle service for the China customers.
所在地区: 上海
立即询盘主营产品: 纯苎麻:21x21/52x58,21x21/60x60,14x14/64x48.......;,纯亚麻:9x9/44x43,14x14/54x54..........;,麻棉:(18/2+18/2)x11/76*35,21x19/51x58,(12+12)x8/84x36.........,各类色织布,提花布。
所在地区: 上海