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我要发布主营产品: 特黑面料,T/C色丁,T/R,全棉印花
主营特色产品:特黑面料、提花剪花、T/R、T/C、全棉印花面料 以出货快 产品质量高深受顾客好评 行销叙利亚,吉达,约旦,也门,迪拜,埃及等多国 公司本着 双赢的态度 在原先良好基础上 继续保持并进一步发展业务合作关系 欢迎新老客户洽谈 指教 联系电话13095683331
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 服装面料, 沙发面料, 超柔绒, 麂皮绒, 毛巾绒, 摇粒绒
Established in 2002, Haining Tianli Textile Co., ltd is one of finest professional compound fabric and warp knitting fabric manufacturer factory, we are able to design and produce world-level composite fabrics by ourselves. Our company applies imported laminating equipment with highest technique available to make A-List bonded products, which includes various composite fabrics for sofa, apparel, upholstery and others. We enjoy rich production experience and keep up with the latest research to improve. The application of advanced technologies has consistently upgraded our products, with standing in the far lead and orienting the market. Main products includes composite fabric, Suede fabric and Warp knitting fabric, such as Bronzed, pattern-printed, pu-coated, pattern-pressed suede, suede fabric bonded with wool, synthetic fur, Suede fabrics bonded with lamb velvet and suede fabrics bonded with knitted fabric, We also produce mesh golden velvet, mercerized velvet, tricot loop velvet, velveteen, imitate cotton velvet, corduroy fabric, super-soft velvet, short hair velvet, mesh fabric, dazzle tricot fabrics and so on. Now we gain customers' trust and support with best quality and perfect service and obtain good market shares at home and abroad.90% of our products are for exportation which enjoy great popularity in Europe, America, Russia, the Mid-East, Eastern Asia. Our mission is to meet the needs of our customers to the best of our combined ability and to exceed their expectations. We will strive to offer our customers the latest information in products and the best possible service, all at the most competitive prices possible. We are ready to start long-term partnership with our customers. ''Customer first, Quality priority'' is our impetus and object, Tianli will co-create new brilliance production sincerely with friends from worldwide in textile industry in the future.
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 摇粒绒, 双面绒, 网眼布, 鸟眼布, 汗布, 涤氨针织布
绍兴市云海针织有限公司是一家集织造、染色、摇粒、烫金、复合、家纺与一体的大型针织面料生产加工企业,并拥有自营进出口权。 公司地理位置优越,交通便捷。它位于亚洲最大的轻纺市场----“中国轻纺城”,总部设在柯桥绍兴世界贸易中心。公司拥有先进的进口大圆机织造设备,以及先进的拉毛、摇粒、定型设备,专业生产及加工各种针织绒布。具体产品有:摇粒绒,单面绒,双面绒、剪毛绒,毛巾布,蚂蚁布,卫衣绒,天鹅绒、四面弹氨纶、短纤汗布等各类针织面料。具体规格:普通常规系列,高F超细系列,印花绒布系列,短纤麻灰系列及特种后整理系列等。 公司本着求实创新、不断进取的企业精神,在激烈的市场竞争中以真诚的服务、优质的质量、精湛的工艺以及不断研发的新产品赢得了客户的青睐,并期待着与各界客户共创新的辉煌。。。。。。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 绣花, 色织, 针织, 涤棉, ,
绍兴县开顺纺织品有限公司, 位于亚洲最大的轻纺集散中心——中国轻纺城。公司是以开发,销售纺织面料的开拓型企业,已通过ISO 9001,2000质量管理体系认证。 公司拥有雄厚的技术力量,配备有贸易、纺织、印染等各类专业人员,以国际一流的舒美特,必佳乐喷气织机,德国蒙福茨定型机,韩国定型机,轧光机,复合机,意大利罐蒸机,台湾产磨毛机,涂层机等生产设备为依托,不断完善质量管理和服务体系,现形成”品质优,品种多,批量大,交货快”的企业特色形象。 公司主要产品有全棉系列,涤棉系列,仿毛(T/R)系列,色织系列,弹力布系列以及各类绣花、针织面料,并根据国际纺织面料流行趋势,每年不断推出新潮面料,产品远销国内外各个市场。 公司宗旨:以绿色产品求生存,靠科技创新谋发展。为了进一步拓展国内外市场,我们本着“信誉第一,服务至上”的原则,热忱欢迎海内外广大朋友与我公司建立业务联系,真诚与我们合作,共创佳绩。
所在地区: 浙江