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我要发布主营产品: 涤盖棉, , , , ,
北京化工机械厂处理清欠物资天蓝色涤盖棉 公司:北京化工机械厂 介绍:北京蓝星化工机械有限公司 降价处理常熟纺织公司抵债清欠物资 涤盖棉 天蓝色 100余卷 每卷30公斤,10元/公斤 价格从优 欲购从速.北京可当面交 易看货 成分及含量 90%POLY+10%COTTON 规格 纬编布 幅宽 152-182(cm) 重量 250-280(g/m2) 产地 中国常熟 主要用途 服饰类面料、运动服装
所在地区: 北京
立即询盘主营产品: 粗纺花呢, 精纺花呢, 提花, 大衣呢, ,
Keda Woollen Textile Co.,Ltd is a professional woollen fabric manufacturer. Not only our headquarters but also the marketing and research departments are located in Beijing. We own two whole-capital factories: Hebei Chengde Keda Woolen Textile Co., Ltd and Jiangsu Zhangjiagang Keda Woollen Textile Co., Ltd. Our company has a team of specialists with strong designing ability and good predictability for the market. Woollen fabrics with many different designs and colors come to the market every year. In 2006, GuiDo Bertagnolio, the famous Italian fabric designing expert from “GuiDo Bertagnolio Designing studio”was retained as our company’s chief designer. Consequently, the quality of our products have been greatly improved and the product style has been in pace with the European market. Our company attaches importance to technology development and has made great progress. For ladies and children fabrics with high proportion of wool, we are successful in making them antistatic and machine washable. All kinds of fabrics can be made special finishes, such aswaterproof, oil proofing,anti-soil,fireproof etc. Our products cover a wide range, including three series: ladies fabrics, men fabrics and children fabrics. As to ladies fabrics we have several categories: gentlewomen fabrics, sport fabrics, fashionable fabrics, elegant fabrics etc. Men fabrics are mostly leisurewear. The main raw materials of the children fabrics are natural fibers, such as wool, cotton, bamboo fibers etc. Children fabrics are of top grade which are fashionable, machine washable and environmental friendly. We always adhere to the principle of “small quantity,high quality,various design,prompt delivery” and supply the customers with our characteristic products and satisfactory service.
所在地区: 北京
立即询盘主营产品: 窗帘, 沙帘, 床上用品, 竹帘, 卷帘, 百叶帘
北京华凯泰达窗帘布艺有限公司大世界是以销售盛名的窗帘 联系电话:13901363548,布艺家居产品为主的专业公司,公司自1991年成立以来,本着顾客至上、质量第一的服务宗旨,以优质、时尚、务实的品牌特点赢得了广大消费者的认可与信赖,是最具规模和发展潜力的专业销售、加工窗帘的连锁型企业 经营范围:窗帘,窗纱,欧日式卷帘,百褶帘,竹木帘,百叶帘中,高档布艺 沙发,沙发套,床罩,各种套件批发零售 承接:宾馆,酒店,写字楼,工程布艺,各种轨道,电动轨道等 服务:免费专业人员设计,府上安装,专人上门免费丈量、报价;提供布板、图片到府上选择。 要注意同色同花的布料也可有不同的布质料。欢迎作公平比价。 布料纱料价格每米15元至200元以上不等,丰俭随人(分国产料和进口料)。 如您可提出预算,将更方便提供适合您的布板和设计方案。 优秀的设计人员,将根据您的个性要求,结合不同的品味、不同层次的布艺文化,尽情展示现代居室的文化氛围,将东方的含蓄与西方的浪漫完美结合。 独具匠心的设计为您的家居倍添华贵、典雅与朴实,并营造着温馨而尽情展现着您的个性与品味。 用我们的创意和您的要求共同创
所在地区: 北京