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印染 >江苏




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主营产品: 印花布,窗帘,浴帘布,色丁印花,桃皮绒印花,床上用品布,印花提花布

自创业以来,江苏龙达就画下了争做国内转移印花行业领头羊,与世界印花行业共辉煌的宏伟蓝图。 江苏龙达自2003年起正式注册为江苏龙达转移印花纺织品有限公司,目前已拥有转移印花行业内最齐的产品规格、最全的工艺流程、最大的生产规模,唯一具备“ 原创设计 → 电脑分色 → 数码出样 → 电雕制版 → 电脑对版 → 高效能印纸印布 ” 一条龙服务。龙达年产量3000万米印花布,销售稳超1亿。龙达在转移印花行业中率先通过 IS09001 质量体系认证;属江苏省高新技术企业 、国家级星火计划实施单位、转移印花工程技术研究中心技术支撑单位。 龙达产品广泛应用于家居装饰、床上用品、服装面料、家具面料、休闲制品、卫浴用品等领域。产品远销美国、欧洲、日本、澳洲、东南亚等国家和地区。与世界很多著名纺织品公司有着良好的贸易往来。我们的印花拥有16套花纸生产线,印花套色数多达8套,可满足1600MM--3100MM不同的用户需求,产品各项技术指标通过ITS、KAKEN、SGS等国际权威检测机构的检测。 客户的要求就是我们的工作;客户的满意就是我们的成功。欢迎您来函来电洽谈磋商,让我们携手共创辉煌明天!

所在地区: 江苏


主营产品: 天鹅绒,密丝绒,摇粒绒,汗布,罗纹布,网眼布,钻石绒,鱼鳞布,毛圈布,罗马布,双面布,蚂蚁布,各类全棉,全涤,T/C,T/R,CVC面料,印花针织布,提花布,色织布

常熟市众成针纺织有限公司是一家专业生产各类针织面料的企业,占地面积约40亩,拥有自营进出口经营权,公司现有30多名大学生,其中本科生20多名,工程师、经济师10名,拥有最先进的单面机、双面机、卫衣机、毛巾机、剪毛机、梳毛机、打卷机、验布机等180多台,产品远销美国、东南亚、欧洲、日本、韩国、中东等国家,公司销售总额达一亿元。公司经不断扩建,现年生产能力10000吨以上。 公司专业生产各种规格的天鹅绒、剪毛布、四方立绒、电子丝绒、珊瑚绒、密丝绒、金丝绒、钻石绒、蒸纱绒、摇粒绒、不倒绒、弹力绒、全棉汗布、人棉汗布、氨纶汗布、短纤汗布、全涤汗布、混纺汗布、拉架汗布、棉氨纶汗布、人棉氨纶汗布、TR氨纶汗布、TC氨纶汗布、CVC氨纶汗布、1X1罗纹、2X2罗纹、法式罗纹、珠地网眼布、鱼鳞布、卫衣布、毛圈布、法国毛圈布、罗马布、华夫格、棉毛布、空气层、蜂巢布、楼梯布、鸟眼布、双面平布、健康布。各类印花、烧花、压花、刷花、雕印、拔印、扎染、压皱、勾绣、滴塑、喷银、烫金、复合等各种面料,吸湿排汗、抗阻燃、抗静电、抗紫外线、抗菌等针织布。 公司服务项目: 一、打色样(免费): A、3个色样内2天结束; B、3-5个色样3天内结束; C、5个色样以上7天内结束。 二、中样: A、常规面料染色(费用=小缸费+布款); B、提花组织类单双面布染色(费用=小缸费+布款+开机费); C、常规面料印花(费用=开版费+布款+试样费); D、提花组织类单双面布染色(费用=开版费+布款+开机费+试样费)。 三、起定量: A、常规面料染色0.2吨; B、提花组织类单双面布染色1吨; C、常规面料印花2-3吨; D、提花组织类单双面布染色2-3吨; E、大货超过以上起定量,扣除布款以外,其余中样费用全部退款。 四、大货交期: A染色:确认颜色以后7天交货; B印花:确认中样或者彩稿以及颜色以后15天交货。 五、售后服务: A、出具我司的质量检验表,产品合格证; B、销售人员及时回访,深入了解采购方后生产情况; C、若出现以外质量问题,出货一周内未开裁面料可退货或退换; D、采购方超过合理裁损部分,可凭坏片退款。 六、优惠活动: A、年采购额超过500万,全年免收小缸费; B、年采购额超过1000万,全年免费做中样,国内免费寄样品; C、年采购额超过2000万,除享受B标准外,还享受50%月结付款; D、年采购额超过3000万,除享受C标准外,还享受100%月结付款。

所在地区: 江苏


主营产品: 弹力梭织布,弹力针织布,涂层布,运动装网布里料,透气透湿复合布

Company introduction: Located in the famous town of shengze , wujiang city of jiangsu province, we integrate weaving factory, dying factory and finish factory together and specially manufacture fabric made of polyester, nylon and spandex ,fit for army garment, lady fashion, dress, tracksuit, downgarment, winter garment , uniform and outdoors use. With stable quality, competitive price and quick delivery, we are highly appreciated by customers fm all over the world. Our motto is total satisfaction and endless improvement. Products : Regular items are memory shape ,taffeta, taslon, pongee, peach, suede, satin, chiffon, georgette, nylon/cotton woven, cotton/nylon woven, In order to satisfy the new market demands , we are devoting great efforts to develop new and unique items, such as Dupont cordura, Dupont supplex, Dupont tactel, nylon dobby with two way spandex, polyester dobby with two way spandex, nylon /cotton and spandex, cotton/nylon and spandex, and so on. Finish: Water proof finish, anti pilling finish, anti static finish, anti bacterial finish, flame retardant finish, Dupont teflon finish, cire finish, pu breathable finish, milky coating, pvc rubber coating, silver coating , peach finish, tpu film bonding, tricot fabric bonded,pu laminated, mesh fabric bonded, ultraviolet resistant finish, wrinkle ,burnt-out, punch a hole and so on; which can pass EN471, EN343, EN1149, EN533, NA-3P standard authorized by SGS; Also can pass OEKO-TEX100, color fastness can be 4 grade. 吴江市维斯纺织品有限公司专业生产各类弹力化纤面料: 后整理: 染色和印花及各类功能性后整理:防水处理,涂银处理, 油面軋光处理, 防火阻燃处理,抗起球处理, 抗静电处理, 杜邦特氟龙处理,pu 透气透湿处理,经编布复合处理,TPU 膜复合整理, 网眼布复合处理,绣花,褶皱,剪花,打孔等后整理; 经SGS测试后可以通过EN471, EN343, EN1149, EN533,NA-3P 等标准; 染色可以通过OEKO-TEX100,色牢度4级。 谢谢, 张敏丽 吴江市维斯纺织有限公司 地址:吴江市盛泽镇目澜路6号 手机:15857338255

所在地区: 江苏


主营产品: 65/35单面涤卡,80/20双面涤卡,全棉纱卡,全棉帆布,涤棉帆布,涤棉厚纱卡,全棉纱绢,全棉细斜纹,涤棉纱绢,涤棉细斜纹,T/R细斜纹,T/R平纹,精品涤棉府绸,精品高密府绸,精品CVC府绸,精品CVC细斜纹,110*76衬衣面料,防静电全线卡,防静电细斜纹,防静电厚纱卡

金磊纺织总公司坐落在中国轻纺城-绍兴柯桥。二十多年来,承蒙新老客户及社会各界的大力支持和通力合作,经过坚持不懈的努力,强化生产、经营、管理、完善自我,走自己不断创新发展的路子;现已步入中国轻纺城及至全国同行业的先进行列。2008年底常熟办事处成立! 金磊纺织专业生产经营全棉、涤棉、T/R等工装制服类面料。产品分为四大类:第一类,以涤棉为主的涤卡、纱卡、帆布等工装面料;第二类,以全棉为主的纱卡、帆布等工装休闲面料;第三类,以全棉、涤棉、T/R为主的高支高密府绸、斜纹、线绢等衬衣面料;第四类,以涤棉、全棉为主的防静电等特种面料。涵括二十类,六百多个颜色。金磊纺织根据客户需求,定织定染其他各类面料。 金磊纺织国内销售网络健全,具有进出口经营权。常年现货供应,为全国厂矿、学校、卫生、铁路、石油、电信、宾馆、商场等行业提供优质面料和防静电、阻燃、防水,防酸碱、耐氯漂等特种面料。国内大部分市场设有经销代理商,形成销售网络。且30%产品畅销欧美、拉美、中东等地区。 “利从诚中得,誉从信中来”。金磊纺织愿为国内外新老客户提供精品面料和系统化优质服务。愿与您携手共进,同创辉煌。 坚持走自己创新发展道路,竭诚为客户提供优质服务! 单海慧 13814946681 0512-52071796/95 JIN Lei Textile Corporation, located in China Textile City - Shaoxing City. More than two decades, Thanks to the new and old customers and the community's strong support and co-operation, through unremitting efforts, improve our production, management, administration, self-perfection, and follow their own path of continuous innovation and development; now entered the China Light & Textile Industrial When the city of the country with advanced industry. Changshu office by the end of 2008! JIN Lei cotton textile production and operations professionals, cotton, T / R equipment and other types of uniform fabrics. Products are divided into four main categories: the first category, consisting mainly of a polyester-cotton polyester card, khaki, canvas fabrics and other equipment; the second category, mainly in cotton drill, canvas fabrics, such as recreational equipment; article three, to cotton, polyester cotton, T / R-based high-density poplin, twill, thread silk shirts and other fabrics; fourth category to polyester-cotton, cotton-based, such as special anti-static fabric. Includes 20 categories, more than 600 colors. JIN Lei textile in accordance with customer needs, will be other types of woven fabrics will be dyed. JIN Lei textile sound domestic sales network, has the right to operate import and export. Annual off-the-shelf for the national factories and mines, schools, health, railway, petroleum, telecommunications, hotels, shopping malls and other industries to provide high-quality fabrics and anti-static, flame-retardant, waterproof, anti-acid, chlorine bleach and other special fabrics. Most of the market with distribution agents to form a distribution network. And 30% of products sold in Europe and America, Latin America, the Middle East. "Lee from Prudential in too, from the letter to the reputation." JIN Lei textiles old and new customers both at home and abroad willing to provide fine quality fabrics and systematic. Willing to work with you hand in hand, create brilliant. Stick to their own innovation and development of roads, provision of quality services for customers! Haihui 0512-52071796/95 single 13814946681

所在地区: 江苏


主营产品: 胶浆印花,水浆印花,拔染印花,热固厚板,光变印花,转移印花,油墨印花,静电植绒,烫金烫银,温变印花,龟裂印花,四分色印花,烫钻,塑料珠·玻璃珠印花,阻燃印花

锡丰印花有限公司地处经济发达的长江三角洲腹地——江苏江阴市月城镇。这里气候宜人,环境优美,交通便利,有着得天独厚的地理优势。 公司拥有多名长期从事印花行业的优秀技师,攻克了不少同行中的疑难问题,在同行中具有良好的口碑。公司注重环保,主要专研和开发高难度的新型印花,例如四分色印花,热固厚板印花,阻燃印花,龟裂效果印花,数码转移印花,光变和温变印花等。

所在地区: 江苏



纺织网全国服务热线 纺织:0532-80901166 纺机:0532-80901781 家纺:021-61528936
  • 浙江:0571-87671520
  • 江苏:025-83337999
  • 广东:020-88529530
  • 上海:021-61043551
  • 山东:0532-80901781
  • 福建:0592-3301608
  • 安徽:0551-62918188
  • 常州:0519-89996111
  • 无锡:0510-82328089
  • 苏州:0512-67662111
  • 盐城:0515-89909111
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