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我要发布主营产品: 防螨抗菌卫生整理剂,抗菌防臭卫生整理剂,防蚊抗菌卫生整理剂,羊毛防虫蛀整理剂,阻燃剂等,
本公司是一家专业从事防螨抗菌卫生整理剂、抗菌防臭卫生整理剂、防蚊抗菌卫生整理剂以及羊毛防虫蛀整理剂和纺织品阻燃剂的研究、生产的专业厂家。 各系列产品通过了国家权威机构的检测,证明具有非常优良的抗细菌、真菌、驱避螨虫、驱蚊、杀灭蛀虫等性能。产品与国外同类产品相比,具有非常大的性能价格比。
所在地区: 上海
立即询盘主营产品: T恤,帽子,户外运动服,制服
Jewel Royal Industry And Development Co. Ltd., a professional clothes production company, was established in 1996 and it has four products assembly lines. We develop the outdoor sportswear with many functional features, such as the fleeces which is waterproof, breathable and windproof and the under or outer sports knitwear or tatwear which is quick arid. Probably you will be interested in the various flexible sales plans that demonstrated by our company. The stylish clothes we provided as follows or the specific styles that you prefer can be ordered to the minimum volume-300 units at one time. And we can service all the procedure and cost from Shanghai to the destination. So long as you tell us what kind of sportswear you want or what special one you want to have, we will not only design it for you but also give you the competitive unit price and the wonderful plan about the methods of transportation and the payment.
所在地区: 上海
立即询盘主营产品: 印花,染色
韦普企业有限公司创立于1989年,专业从事布染(SOLID)及印花,各类纺织品出口,营业额自100美元万/年成长至今已2000万美元/年。而今我司在上海嘉定创立了韦贸印花织品有限公司及松江顶嘉染整有限公司(染布厂)介绍如下: 韦贸公司为台湾独资之热转移印花公司,目前拥有2条8套色印纸机之全功能(印花、印布)生产线,月产能100万米。我司不论在管理(专业管理人员)及在工业技术(技术人员拥有多年热转移印花工业技术经验)或产房设施及规模皆为华东地区首屈一指。为提供客户最佳之服务,我司亦采取日本原装之大型码数喷墨印纸机,由公司自聘印花设计人员为客户设计花型,喷墨打样,印小样到量产提供最完善之工业品质服务。公司管理依循ISO9001之标准作业也为客户提供产品质量之最佳保证。
所在地区: 上海