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主营产品: 弹性织带

东莞润达弹性织造有限公司(NEW HORIZON)成立于1994年,是一家港资企业,地处珠三角的中心地带。主要从事高档内衣类产品所用织带的生产及销售活动。公司拥有一流的意大利、德国、瑞士及英国等国进口的生产和检测设备,技术力量雄厚。公司已通过欧洲的OKO-TEX STANDARD 100环保证书,与美国的杜邦公司为长期合作厂商。我们的客户遍及欧洲、美洲以及东南亚,并享有极高的质量声誉。 目前,NEW HORIZON拥有从博士、硕士到本科、大专系统、专业的阶梯人才结构。通过科学的人力资源管理,精良的设计开发,以高品质的产品和快速有效的服务不断满足客户要求,赢得了客户的满意和信任。公司于2002年通过了ISO9000质量管理体系的认证,进一步提高了企业的竞争力、生产效率和产品质量。 由于公司迅猛发展,规模不断扩大,在2003年新建立了一家大型现代化纺织企业(占地面积130,000多平方米)--超盈(BEST PACIFIC)。这是润达公司飞跃的结果,体现了这些年优秀的发展业绩。超盈公司瞄准目前最流行的纺织品消费市场,无论从人才引进、技术需求和管理模式方面均充分以行业高标准要求配置。全套德国进口织染设备、宽大明亮的生产车间、具有挑战性的市场发展空间等构成了超盈未来发展的强劲动力。

所在地区: 广东


主营产品: 纱线.DTY.高拈麻纱布.西装料

本贸易公司长期购.销服装厂一切库存积压处理物资.(中介成功的有重酬) 主营涤纶DTY.锦纶高弹丝.制衣线.棉纱.拉链.花边.布料.服装等

所在地区: 广东


主营产品: 尼龙包胶扣,TPU肩带成品或半成品,TPU松紧带,透明膊头带等

华聚服饰辅料有限公司创建于一九九八年九月, 主要生产TPU肩带,TPU透明肩带、tpu磨砂肩带、tpu橡筋带、tpu松紧带、tpu膊头带等产品,是中国首家利用环保材料生产透明高弹性隐形肩带(TPU肩带)的厂家。其主要原材料聚氨酯(thermopolyurethane简称TPU)是一种无毒无害的新型环保材料,该材料已通过ISO9001国际质量认证,对人体皮肤无任何损害,并广泛应用于航天、航海、医疗器械等领域。 华聚所使用的TPU原材料全部采用从德国进口,该材料还具有弹性佳、耐严寒之特点,纵然在-40度的情况下仍然性能如初。TPU废弃物掩埋于土壤里,会自然分解,绝对环保。经过高温冷却押出成型的TPU透明肩带,tpu磨砂肩带、tpu橡筋带、tpu松紧带、tpu膊头带等饰品,与传统肩带,橡筋带相比,具有隐形,超薄,时尚的特点,令您的身心倍添靓丽和潇洒,为您的生活凭添乐趣。 我厂拥有整套先进的生产设备、专业的生产技术、强大的研发能力、精干的业务队伍、能适应瞬息万变的市场。年产量:透明肩带120T,环保高回复率橡筋带80吨。华聚始终秉承“客户至上,用心服务”的经营理念, 坚持重合同、守信用,互惠互利的原则,用心服务好每一个客户,因为客户的满意永远是华聚全体员工的价值体现。欢迎来人来电洽谈有关业务,我们一定会成为您理想的合作伙伴。 Founded in July 1998,Huaju Apparel Accessories Co., ltd mainly produces brassiere accessories.It is the first manufacturer of China that makes transparent high elastic invisible shoulder straps and elastic band with environment friendly materials. The main material, Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is a newly environmentprotection material withoutany poison or harm to the skin ,which has been widely used in such field as aviation , navigation and medical appliance. All the TPU material used in Huaju is directly imported from Germany, which has such features as good elasticity and anti-cold character and can keep high quality even under negative 40 centigrade. Meanwhile, this material has passed ISO9001 international quality certification. By way of heating and cooling, TPU can be molded to a lot of ornaments such as clear bra strap, frosted bra strap and elastic band, which can not only beautify your image and your mood, fill your life with a lot of fun, but also can be decomposed naturally under the earth without any environment pollution. Adopting German environment friendly materials and professional extruding technology, after several years research and study, Huaju has developed or developed in cooperation with clients many types of high elasticity transparent shoulder straps with environment friendly materials. We have a whole set of advanced production equipment, professional production technology, powerful research and development capability, an efficient and loyal business team with manly leadership at the core, Our annual output is 120 tons of transparent shoulder straps and 80 tons of environment friendly TPU elastic band with high recovery rate. Always abiding by the business concept of "customer priority, service first ", our company keeps the contracts and promises, sticks to the principle of mutual benefits, we strive to serve every customer whole-heartedly , because only your satisfaction can testify all of our hard work and achievements. We'll prove ourselves to be your right choice by our best quality and most excellent services. Welcome to visit us or call us for business negotiations, we firmly believe that Huaju will become the best partners.

所在地区: 广东


主营产品: 尼龙包胶扣,TPU肩带成品或半成品 , TPU松紧带 , 透明膊头带,文胸调节扣等

HJ1005 HJ1004 HJ1003 华聚服饰辅料有限公司创建于一九九八年九月, 主要生产TPU肩带,TPU透明肩带、tpu磨砂肩带、tpu橡筋带、tpu松紧带、tpu膊头带等产品,是中国首家利用环保材料生产透明高弹性隐形肩带(TPU肩带)的厂家。其主要原材料聚氨酯(thermopolyurethane简称TPU)是一种无毒无害的新型环保材料,该材料已通过ISO9001国际质量认证,对人体皮肤无任何损害,并广泛应用于航天、航海、医疗器械等领域。 华聚所使用的TPU原材料全部采用从德国进口,该材料还具有弹性佳、耐严寒之特点,纵然在-40度的情况下仍然性能如初。TPU废弃物掩埋于土壤里,会自然分解,绝对环保。经过高温冷却押出成型的TPU透明肩带,tpu磨砂肩带、tpu橡筋带、tpu松紧带、tpu膊头带等饰品,与传统肩带,橡筋带相比,具有隐形,超薄,时尚的特点,令您的身心倍添靓丽和潇洒,为您的生活凭添乐趣。 我厂拥有整套先进的生产设备、专业的生产技术、强大的研发能力、精干的业务队伍、能适应瞬息万变的市场。年产量:透明肩带120T,环保高回复率橡筋带80吨。华聚始终秉承“客户至上,用心服务”的经营理念, 坚持重合同、守信用,互惠互利的原则,用心服务好每一个客户,因为客户的满意永远是华聚全体员工的价值体现。欢迎来人来电洽谈有关业务,我们一定会成为您理想的合作伙伴。 Founded in July 1998,Huaju Apparel Accessories Co., ltd mainly produces brassiere accessories.It is the first manufacturer of China that makes transparent high elastic invisible shoulder straps and elastic band with environment friendly materials. The main material, Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is a newly environmentprotection material withoutany poison or harm to the skin ,which has been widely used in such field as aviation , navigation and medical appliance. All the TPU material used in Huaju is directly imported from Germany, which has such features as good elasticity and anti-cold character and can keep high quality even under negative 40 centigrade. Meanwhile, this material has passed ISO9001 international quality certification. By way of heating and cooling, TPU can be molded to a lot of ornaments such as clear bra strap, frosted bra strap and elastic band, which can not only beautify your image and your mood, fill your life with a lot of fun, but also can be decomposed naturally under the earth without any environment pollution. Adopting German environment friendly materials and professional extruding technology, after several years research and study, Huaju has developed or developed in cooperation with clients many types of high elasticity transparent shoulder straps with environment friendly materials. We have a whole set of advanced production equipment, professional production technology, powerful research and development capability, an efficient and loyal business team with manly leadership at the core, Our annual output is 120 tons of transparent shoulder straps and 80 tons of environment friendly TPU elastic band with high recovery rate. Always abiding by the business concept of "customer priority, service first ", our company keeps the contracts and promises, sticks to the principle of mutual benefits, we strive to serve every customer whole-heartedly , because only your satisfaction can testify all of our hard work and achievements. We'll prove ourselves to be your right choice by our best quality and most excellent services. Welcome to visit us or call us for business negotiations, we firmly believe that Huaju will become the best partners.

所在地区: 广东


主营产品: 缝纫线,高强线,特品线,尼龙线,特多龙线,SP线,PP线,polyester,thread,环保缝纫线,邦迪线,手袋车缝线,沙发车缝线,涤纶缝纫线,高强缝纫线,皮具线,涤纶邦迪线,聚脂纤维缝纫线,箱包车缝线,针车用线

东莞金达线业有限公司是香港美达线业公司在中国的缝纫线材制造生产基地,成立于1987年,一直本着"质量第一、信誉第一、客户第一、服务第一'的宗旨,为广大客户提供优质的“金丽牌”各类高强缝纫线。产品以其卓越的缝合效果及百份百质量保证,深受港澳台及国内外众多品牌厂商所信赖。东莞金达线业有限公司所有产品均荣获瑞士国际环保标准“Oeko-Tex Standard 100”认证,公司通过ISO9001-2000国际质量体系认证,产品通过欧盟RoHS认证。所有产品按欧盟Reach svhc管制标准出品。多年来聚脂延续性纤维皮具缝纫线和S4000聚脂纤维高强缝纫线均获得中国知名品牌企业、日本多个品牌企业、欧盟多个品牌企业、世界电子品牌企业的指定缝纫用线。

所在地区: 广东



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