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我要发布主营产品: 不锈钢微丝,金属纱线,不锈钢纤微。
公 司 简 介 北京中基亚科国际科技有限公司是一家集投资、研发、生产、贸易为一体的私营股份制企业,2004年6月经北京市科学技术委员会认证为高新技术企业;2006年被国家进出口管理局批准为拥有进出权企业。地处北京首都这所大城市,信息的流通性、及时性都占有极大优势,我公司厂房位于北京顺义空港工业区内,濒临北京首都机场,车程15分钟,交通便利,是北京唯一一家专业生产不锈钢金属纤维(微丝)的厂家。 我公司主要从事生产Ф0.015mm-Ф0.125mm各种不锈钢微丝、精密电阻丝、合金微丝等金属纤维。不锈钢微丝及其制品作为一种工业基本材料广泛应用于石油化工、航空航天、纺织、印刷、电子通讯、环保、医疗和日常生活用品等诸多领域。我公司的产品超过了国家标准,符合国际标准。 公司以严格管理、优质产品、优良服务赢得海内外广大客户的青睐。内部通过实施独具特色的“建标准、抓异常、重细节、比数据”的质量管理和保证体系,使品质不仅让客户满意,更让客户放心。产品远销美国、日本、韩国及欧洲国家和地区。 公司秉承“培育高效团队、提供优质产品、乐于进取创新”的企业理念,愿与各界一起,双赢互利,共创美好未来。 Company Introduction Beijing Zhongjiyak international technology Co., Ltd is a private stock company which combines investment, research, production and trade together. In June of 2004, it was authorized the high tech enterprise by Beijing Technology Committee;In 2006, it was authorized an enterprise which owns the right of import and export. It is located in Beijing, the capital of China; therefore it has great advantages in the negotiability and timing of information. The plant of the company locates in the air industrial area, shunyi District of Beijing. Which is quite near to the Capital city airport with convenient traffic less than 15 minutes' bus. It is the only plant to produce Tiny silk of stainless steel in Beijing. The major productions of our company is 0.015mm-Ф0.125mm diversified Stainless steel wire, precise electric resistance silk,Tiny silk of metal alloy Metals fiber etc. Stainless steel wire has been widely using in military, aviation, navigation, petroleum, chemical industry, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, environment protection, electronic, etc. The productions are of a higher level than the nation's standard, agreeing with international level. Our company is well praised by clients from both home and abroad for its strict management, high-quality productions and excellent service. Our company carries out unique quality management and guarantee system of “setting up standard, looking into difference, attaching importance to details and comparing data” to make our customers satisfied. The productions go far to the USA, Japan, Korea,Italy and European economies. The company holds such motto as “incubating efficient team, supplying premium products, ready to progress and innovation”. Our company would like to create rosy future and obtain win-win situation with people from all ranks.
所在地区: 北京
立即询盘所在地区: 北京
立即询盘所在地区: 北京
立即询盘主营产品: 机电设备 进口乳胶胶丝
北京雪奥科技有限公司是经北京市外经贸委批准成立的以进出口贸易为主的专业外贸企业,自营和代理各类商品及技术的进出口业务,经营进料加工和“三来一补”业务;经营对外贸易和转口贸易。进出口商品主要有:成套设备(包括单机)及技术进出口、高科技产品,原辅材料及建材、工业防腐材料、纺织、服装、机械五金、电子、汽车配件、工农具、家电、日用化工、轻工文体、灯具、日用百货、箱包鞋类、玩具、工艺品、医药、医疗器械、电脑等近千个品种。另外,雪奥科技有限公司是外商来华投资和有意向做国际投资的中国企业的平台和纽带。 公司计划依托现有的销售渠道,充分利用遍布全球各地的客户资源,继续推进前期劳务输出合作项目,全力开拓新的外经合作新项目,树立雪奥品牌形象,争取更好的经营业绩。 伴随着公司业务不断地扩大,我们将一如既往地为您提供优质的产品和服务。同时,我们用勤劳和严谨的工作态度来赢得您的关注和信任,您的信任和我们的努力是公司发展的基础,诚实和高效的工作作风是公司运作的方向,提高客户的满意度是公司追求的目标。 雪奥科技有限公司承诺尽一切努力为您提供高质量的服务!期望着与您携手共同发展!
所在地区: 北京