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我要发布主营产品: 棉线花边、蕾丝及氨纶等
工厂引进先进设备,采用先进的生产工艺,实施科学严谨的品质管理,并拥有一批高素质管理和技术人才,从而保证了产品质量,使产品达到高、精、尖。 棉线花边采用科技含量高,与顶级世界服饰潮流同步,花型新颖别致,体裁丰富,既保留了传统绣品所体现的民族特色,民俗意蕴,又融入了当今社会高速发展的活力,带动服饰的新潮流。 工厂主要开发的产品是棉质花边,适用范围:服装、童装、鞋帽、窗帘及床上用品等。目前的销售网络有广州、上海、浙江、山东等地区。 企业在发展的同时,不断地完善自我,“诚信、服务、品质、效率”是我们一贯的宗旨,努力为客户提供高质量的花边产品。 竭诚欢迎广大朋友及客商前来磋商合作、共同发展。共创美好明天。
所在地区: 江苏
立即询盘主营产品: 各类花边,面料
长乐诚丰有限公司(前为长乐市垅下提花厂)创办于一九八八年,本公司位于号称“中国花边名镇”的长乐市松下镇垅纺工业区,拥有便利的交通环境,南距松下港10来公里,北至空港仅20公里。公司数年来一直致力于弹力内衣系列花边面料产品的研究开发,产品以其独特风格,富有弹性,花型时尚,质量稳定而备受国内外客商的青睐,拥有广州、深圳、义乌、上海、海南、江苏等广阔国内市场,并通过外贸渠道,远销欧美、港澳台等国家地区。 公司本着诚恳、负责的工作态度,提倡诚信经营,以人为本的理念,坚持客户至上、信誉为先的宗旨。建立了广大的客户群,并受到一致的好评。我司将期待社会上更多的朋友真诚合作携手并肩、互惠互利,共创美好未来。
所在地区: 福建
立即询盘主营产品: embroidery ,cotton ,ramie,satin, lace,bridal.
About Us Zhejiang Lace Import and Export Co., Ltd., located in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, is one of the subcompany of Zhejiang Huaxin Holding Group which is the largest manufacturer of polyester dope dyed FDY,POY,DTY and polyester embroidery threads and also embroidered laces in China. And it has more than 50 cooperative factoires specialized in producing of different kinds of embroidered laces, such as 100% cotton series,Water Soluble Series,T/C Series,T/R Series, Strip Series,Wedding Clothing Series, Mesh Cloth Series, Curtain Sereies and TableCloth Series, etc. With the last two years fast development, it has become one of the largest import and export company which deals in all kinds of embroidery laces, And its quality embroidered laces have been exported to all over the world, such as Canada, France, United Kingdom, Spain, USA, Italy, Nigeria, Morocco, South africa, etc. Zhejiang Lace Import and Export Co., Ltd. has already stridden into a new milestone. Welcome to our company, it is one-stop sourcing embroidered laces in China. We hope domestic and international friends cooperate with us for a long time to create brilliance.
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 花边,氨纶花边,弹力面料
所在地区: 福建