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我要发布主营产品: 雪纱带, 锦纶缎带, 涤纶缎带, 提花带, 宽边纱带,
是一家集设计、生产、销售为一体的综合性服装配套生产公司。 本公司设计采用了先进的电脑CAD系统,生产人员50人,其中中高级技术人员10人,管理及营销人员8人,销售网络遍布全国各地,产品主要雪纱带、涤纶缎带、锦纶缎带等,德韵始终以“科学、严格的管理,先进的设备,雄厚的技术力量,精湛的工艺”为坚强后盾,凭着一系列优良的售前、售后服务体系,以及合理的价格定位,多年来深受众多客户的青睐。 “以品质为中心,以客户为导向” 是本公司的服务宗旨,“提升企业形象,增强企业凝聚力”是我们德韵人的生命。欢迎您前来公司参观指导!定购!
所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: 松紧带, 毛巾, 浴巾, 毛毯, ,
万隆丝织厂位于山东省昌邑市饮马镇,济青高速路与省道下小路交叉口处,东临青岛市,北靠渤海湾交通便利。我厂拥有各种专业生产设备上百台、套 产品主要为0.4-1.2厘米不等的涤纶、丙纶松紧带,毛巾浴巾,毛毯等产品,且与很多大型企业有着密切的合作关系。 本厂秉持以质量求生存、以速度求发展,热忱欢迎国内外各界朋友来人、来函、来电、洽谈、投资、合作;以及拓展其它新型业务,总经理于旭东先生愿与广大客户精诚合作,共创辉煌!
所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: 纯棉纱线, T/C纱线, 纯棉坯布, CVC, T/C,
Yuncheng Fushi Textile Co., Ltd. locates in 4.5km Yunju Rd. , Dinglizhang Industrial Park . Our company established in July 2000, covers an area of 18 acres, including workshop of 12,028 square meters. Our company has 48,000 ring spinning, 32000 rotor spinning, 367 wide-breadth rapier looms, 170 shuttle power looms, and net investment asset is RMB 79 million, is a modern company that owns advanced equipment and technology. Since our company established, our company operates legally and pay the tax actively, remains a good reputation, and sticks to the contract. Now we are the leading company in the field of textile in Yuncheng. In the consecutive three years, rewarded as “Celebrity Company” and “Honest Taxpaying Company”, etc. and achieves good result in the sales. Currently our company has 853 employees, including 8 senior engineers, 22 people own middle-level professional title and 36 people own junior professional title. 52 people own associate degree and above, more than 100 enormous assets in the production department. Our main products are 100% cotton yarn from 7s to 60s and grey cloth. Annual production value is 108 million, the taxpaying volume is 19.53 million with sales ration of above 99% and the coefficient of recovery for goods payment is 100%. Fushi Textile Co., Ltd. keeps improving company management, techniques for development. Our products sell toward the whole country and in 2007 setted up Qingdao Branch under the support of government and people in all circles. Our company gets support from many old and new customers based on perfect quality management system, perfect service, scientific management method and considerable funds. We kindly invite customer to negotiate business and develop together.
所在地区: 山东