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我要发布主营产品: 床上用品
Established in 2003, Anhui Samite Textile Import And Export Co., Ltd. is located in Hefei City, Anhui Province, and is a specialized manufacturer and trader of home textiles. Our main product range covers interior decorating products, bedding sets, cushion, curtains and shower curtains, napkins, and 100% cotton towels. In addition, we deal with a variety of materials and fabrics and through a close working relationship with weaving factories, can provide different jacquards, T/C, and fabrics. Our facilities include 3 production lines, high speed sewing machines, and a wide range of advanced equipment. We employ 200 personnel and have implemented the strictest quality control measures. Currently, our products are exported to the USA, South America, Malaysia, and Southeast Asia. We continually concentrate our efforts on developing new designs, producing high quality products, and exceeding our customers' expectations. We believe our first-rate quality, reasonable prices, and friendly service will win your trust and support .If you are interested in any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us.
所在地区: 安徽
立即询盘主营产品: 羽毛,羽绒,羽绒被,枕头,靠垫
庐江县华润羽绒有限公司是一家专业生产羽绒、羽毛的工厂,我厂成立于1996年,拥有固定资产1000万元以上,年产值达2100万元。企业自成立以来,一直致力于羽绒羽毛产品的出口。凭借我们工厂良好的服务和优良的产品质量,我司所生产的水洗羽毛、羽绒及其制品羽毛枕、羽绒被常年出口欧美,东南亚等地区,并于加拿大、英国、法国、德国、美国等国多家公司建立了长期稳固的业务关系。 我们将为您提供优质的产品和良好的服务!
所在地区: 安徽