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我要发布主营产品: 摄象机、画面处理器、四分割器、嵌入式硬盘录像机、监视器、视频采集卡
五星电子有限公司是一家致力于数字安防监控产品研发、生产、销售为一体的科技型企业。公司凭借领先的技术、优质的产品、现代化的管理,迅速成为了国内外质优价廉监控器材产品的生产基地. 五星长期秉承世界卓越的高新技术和先进的经营理念,不断提高技术水平和服务水平,彻底追求产品的品质与性能,以满足客户的需求和期盼。公司拥有自己的知名品牌“wuxing ”,取得了由国家公安部颁发的生产许可证。 公司系列闭路监视器材,以其技术先进,性能优越,产品质量稳定、可靠,返修率极低,适用范围广等优点,应用于安防和各个领域。 包括海关、车站、码头、高速公路、智能楼宇、 城市交通,及各类 政府机关等场所。而在银行、商场、学校、小区、酒店及公共场所等更受欢迎 。 为人民和生活提供安全的保障尽了一份微薄之力!我们将以服务第一 、品质保证。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 布贴画
奉化市李师工艺品厂地处浙江奉化,奉化以其悠久的历史,绚丽多彩的文化而闻于世。由于奉化以人杰地灵闻名,吸引众多游客,成为中国的旅游胜地。而人们鲜知的“布贴画”却成为奉化民间工艺的一颗明珠。我企业是宁波首家专业生产民间工艺品“布贴画”企业,在短期内已形成数百生产员工,产品定为“宁波旅游推荐商品”。企业“以工为本,以艺取信”,引起社会各界及同行关注。 目前企业已形成:年画,吉祥图案,花鸟,传统人物,卡通,山水风景等系列近百余个品种。 “布贴画”全部采用手工制作,造型美观,工艺精细,风格特异,是当前工艺品中精品,在艺术欣赏,馈赠亲朋好友,商务联络,礼仪社交的最佳礼品,同时适合对宾馆,企业,公共场所及居家的实用装饰艺术品,因此是深受国内外客商欢迎。公司立足于国内,展望于国外,进行全方位推广,为答谢国内外客商,企业进一步开发新品种,增加新创意,以满足商家的需求与选购。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 沙发布,窗帘,窗纱服装面料,床上用品,等等
绍兴绅花纺织有限公司是一家集家用纺织品开发,生产,销售及成品加工为一体的外向型中外合资企业,现有国产,进口(苏尔寿)织机一千多台,配套缝纫设备二百多台,专业生产各类家纺提花面料及床上用品.年产量为两千多万米,产品广泛用于各类宾馆,办公楼及家庭室内装饰. 公司主导面料有:沙发布,窗帘布,雪尼尔,贴墙布,箱包布等;主导成品系列有:窗帘,枕套,被套,床罩,餐桌布等.产品以其质地优良,花型美观的特点,远销世界各地,深受国内外用户的青睐. 公司坚持持续创新的原则,将以一流的设备,一流的技术,一流的信誉为您提供一流的产品. Shaoxing Shenhua Textile Co.,Ltd is a leading manufacturer speciakizes in the field of hometextile for more than 20 years in china.It is an export-oriented Sina-France company,possessing more than 1000 advanced electronic jacquard repires from Italy and 200 sewing machines.The company can produce more than 20 million meters fabrics one year which uses widely in hotel,office,and home decoration and so on. The main products include:tapestry,chenille,wall paper fabric,bag fabric,curtain,comforter,bed skirt,sham,table runner and so on.our products enjoy a good reputation around the world market for its nice quality and beatutiful designs and gain large popularity among the world.Adhering to the principle of creating continually,the company is confident to provide the best product by its advanced machines,top technique,and top cridet. The company lies in Shaoxing,a basis of china light textile,where nearby Hangzhou-Xiaoshan international airport and Hangyong expressway.It enjoys its geographical covenience in trade and investment.Xiayaorong,general manager extends welcome to all the parties interested in us to estabkish the long-term and fruitful business relationship.
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 沙发布,窗帘,窗纱服装面料,床上用品,等等
绍兴绅花纺织有限公司是一家集家用纺织品开发,生产,销售及成品加工为一体的外向型中外合资企业,现有国产,进口(苏尔寿)织机一千多台,配套缝纫设备二百多台,专业生产各类家纺提花面料及床上用品.年产量为两千多万米,产品广泛用于各类宾馆,办公楼及家庭室内装饰. 公司主导面料有:沙发布,窗帘布,雪尼尔,贴墙布,箱包布等;主导成品系列有:窗帘,枕套,被套,床罩,餐桌布等.产品以其质地优良,花型美观的特点,远销世界各地,深受国内外用户的青睐. 公司坚持持续创新的原则,将以一流的设备,一流的技术,一流的信誉为您提供一流的产品. Shaoxing Shenhua Textile Co.,Ltd is a leading manufacturer speciakizes in the field of hometextile for more than 20 years in china.It is an export-oriented Sina-France company,possessing more than 1000 advanced electronic jacquard repires from Italy and 200 sewing machines.The company can produce more than 20 million meters fabrics one year which uses widely in hotel,office,and home decoration and so on. The main products include:tapestry,chenille,wall paper fabric,bag fabric,curtain,comforter,bed skirt,sham,table runner and so on.our products enjoy a good reputation around the world market for its nice quality and beatutiful designs and gain large popularity among the world.Adhering to the principle of creating continually,the company is confident to provide the best product by its advanced machines,top technique,and top cridet. The company lies in Shaoxing,a basis of china light textile,where nearby Hangzhou-Xiaoshan international airport and Hangyong expressway.It enjoys its geographical covenience in trade and investment.Xiayaorong,general manager extends welcome to all the parties interested in us to estabkish the long-term and fruitful business relationship.
所在地区: 浙江