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我要发布主营产品: 我公司是一家专业生产蚊帐的厂家,主要产品有方帐,圆帐,现推出拆卸式方帐,安装拆卸方便,无需在墙体上固定。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 被套,床单,床罩,靠垫,枕套,棉被,磨毛被,短丝被,真丝被,化纤被,羊毛被,真丝被,丝毛被,珍珠棉被,双层被,健康枕,化纤毯
公司位于上海杭州之间,沪杭高速公路贯穿桐乡市,公司下设床上用品厂,1999年出口手工丝绵被,电脑绗缝丝绵被,丝毛被,羊毛被,化纤被50多万条,各类绗缝制品和被套,床单,床罩,靠垫,枕套等床上用品100多万件,具备成熟的外贸产品加工经验。 公司欢迎各出口单位来产品加工,订做等。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 蚕丝被,蚕丝毯
是一家集产品设计开发、生产制造、销售、服务于一体的现代工业企业。公司主要以蚕丝毯、蚕丝被、竹炭保健床垫.竹炭保健枕头.荞麦舒颈枕.野菊花枕.化纤被.全棉套件制品和家用电器为主导产品.我们的产品现被各礼品公司作为单位福利、会议礼品团购的最佳新品并广泛推荐于各政府机关.金融系统.教育系统.交通系统.卫生系统.移动公司.电信公司.保险公司.烟草公司.及企事业单位.集团公司等并受到它们一致好评。 本公司主要生产、销售纯天然蚕丝被、毯。蚕丝被、毯是以优质天然蚕丝(采用杭嘉湖平原盛产的优质天然春宫手工丝棉)为填充料,经现代科学除味配方和独特的现代工艺进行脱胶处理方法精制而成,蚕丝纤维可防止皮肤老化,其丝质细腻、贴身柔软、冬暖夏凉、保护皮肤、促进睡眠、防螨抗菌、吸湿、排汗、舒适无静电等优异性。牢固耐用又不易打结,免拆翻。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 毯子,被单,枕套,婴儿用品
Veken Elite International Co., Ltd is a home textile manufacturer that offers a broad range of product from blanket to bed linens and interior decorative fabric to accessories. Situated in Ningbo, a beautiful port city in about 4 hours’ drive from Shanghai, the company is steadily growing due to the endeavor of our team and the distinction of our product. The company has evolved from Veken Group Blanket Branch – it has inherited over 50 years’ experience in home textile production and accumulated 4 years’ practice in international trading. Veken’s home textile range features high quality materials and creative patterns that make our product the main player on local and national markets. The extensive product line also meets needs of other countries and regions. Among our customers are companies from Japan, the United States, Australia, Europe and other countries, where the need for our product is highly recognised. Our team provides our worldwide customers with high standard services and product by combining our manufacture competency with international business familiarity. One of our approaches to promote our products is to attend global fairs, shows and exhibition where our prospective customers can gain more familiarity with our company and product. We constantly invest in R&D to extend our product line, improve the quality, and create new patterns. Contact us and we will be happy to offer you the quality product that meet your unique needs and style.
所在地区: 浙江