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主营产品: 纺织面料,酒店布草,服装


所在地区: 江苏


主营产品: 纱线

Jiangsu Xinfang Textile Co., Ltd. is located in the Zhangjiagang Along-Yangtze-River Economic Development Area of Jiangsu Province. 江苏新芳纺织品有限公司位于江苏省张家港市沿江经济开发区。 The company is a large-scaled multivariate enterprise specializing in the production of various types blend yarns. At present, the company has 30000-spindle spinning spinner, 50000-spindle semi-spinning spinner, 6 ring spinners and 4 self-acting mules. Covering a land area of 200 000 square meters, the company possesses RMB150 million of fixed assets and more than 2000 staff, with the annual production value being over RMB400 million. 公司是专业生产各类混纺纱线的多元化大型生产企业。现有精纺5万锭,半精纺3万锭,环锭纺6台套,走锭纺4台套。固定资产2.0亿元,占地面积20万平方米,年产值5亿多元,拥有员工3000多人。 The company has introduced advanced spinning equipment and precision dyeing equipment (for ted dyeing and top dyeing). With powerful technical developing capacity and new product developing capacity, the company is one of the domestic cashmere yarn factories with the largest production scale and of greatest competitive power. The leading products of the company involve cashmere yarns as well as blend yarns made of such mixed raw materials as goat cashmere, lambwool, wool, coney hair (cashmere), yak hair, camel hair, mohair, alpaca wool, cotton, natural silk, modail, soybean protein fiber (natural cashmere), corn fiber, nanometer milk cashmere fiber, bamboo fiber, mulberry silk, mulberry spun silk, ramie, flax and other chemical fibers such as polyamide fiber, acrylic fiber, viscose fiber, etc., with more than 1000 varieties and with the spinning count ranging from 10Nm to 180Nm. The subsequent process of the spinning is equipped with electronic yarn cleaner, and for splicer the simple cylinder, twisting and the two-for-one twisting processes are adopted. The spun knitting yarns are joint free and fit in with the quality requirements by high-needle type. The spun weaving yarns can be used to produce semi-worsted super thin fabric. The physical indexes and the appearance quality of the yarns are all up to the Weaving/Knitting Yarn Quality Standards issued by the State. 公司引进先进的纺纱设备和精密的染色设备(散毛和条染)。拥有强大的技术开发能力和新产品的研发能力。是国内规模最大、最具竞争力的羊绒纱厂之一。公司主导产品是羊绒纱和使用山羊绒、绵羊绒、羊毛、兔毛(绒)、牦牛绒、驼绒、马海毛、羊驼毛、棉花、天丝、莫代尔、大豆蛋白纤维(天绒)、玉米纤维、纳米牛奶绒纤维、竹子纤维、桑蚕丝、桑绢丝、苎麻、亚麻、及其他化纤如锦纶、腈纶、粘胶等纺织原料任意组配纺纱。品种可达上千余种,可纺纱支范围10Nm—180Nm。纺纱后工序配备电子清纱器,捻接器为简筒、并、倍捻工艺流程。所纺针织用纱为无接头纱线,适应高针型质量要求。所生产机织用纱可生产半精梳薄型面料。纱线物理指标及实物外观质量均达到国家颁布的机(针)织纱质量标准。 The company carries forward the business idea of “keeping improving”, and has established a set of effective managerial pattern and formed a structure of series production integrating dyeing, spinning and knitting as well as multivariate operation involving both domestic trade and foreign trade. Based on the quality and the excellent service as well as constant innovation and perfection, the company has gradually become a manufacturer for the markets in Japan, Korea, Europe, the U.S.A., etc. and enjoyed a wide cooperation. 公司秉承“精益求精”的经营理念,建立了一套卓有成效的管理模式,形成了集染色、纺纱、针织一条龙系列化生产,内外贸并举,多元化经营的格局。公司凭借良好的品质和优质的服务,不断的创新和完善。已逐渐成为日,韩,欧美等市场的生产工厂,并取得了广泛的合作。 The company strictly sticks to its enterprise spirit of “being meticulous, keeping improving, constant surpassing, never being satisfied”, and tries its best to assure you the quality and reliable delivery time by means of perfect management, advanced technology and super strong strength. 公司恪守“一丝不苟、精益求精、不断超越、永不满足”的企业精神,力求以完善

所在地区: 江苏


主营产品: 服装、家用纺织品

苏州恒润进出口有限公司是由原苏州市纺织品进出口公司整体改制建立的。原公司成立于1978年,是一家专业纺织外贸公司。1991年就进入中国外贸企业进出口额五百强之列。2001年公司通过了中国进出口质量认证中心(CQC)和英国BM认证公司ISO9001:2000质量体系认证。   公司主要经营纺织面料、梭织服装、毛针织品、棉针织品和家用纺织装饰用品等商品的进出口业务,并兼营轻工、工艺、机械、化工、医药保健等类别商品的进出口业务,目前公司已同五十多个国家和地区的数百家客商建立了广泛的业务往来。公司下设十二个业务分公司,在海外有多家分支机构,并拥有独资、合资生产企业多家。 我们拥有一支高素质年轻的业务队伍,诚信、务实、高效是我们一贯的工作态度,我们将一如既往的奉行信誉至上,质量第一,优质服务的方针,愿与国内外新老朋友精诚合作,共创美好的将来。   为满足公司业务发展需要,于二OO三年在南京开设分公司---南京恒润宏苏贸易有限公司.

所在地区: 江苏


主营产品: 桃皮绒,麂皮绒,纱线

苏州市恒奕进出口有限公司 公司简介 联系方式 只有会员登录后才能看,如果您还不是会员请先注册 会员登陆 登录名: 密码: 错误: 请先登录 中华纺织网 版权所有 2000

所在地区: 江苏


主营产品: 被子

我公司是一家纺公司,主因查上哟哪个啊 .

所在地区: 江苏



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