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我要发布主营产品: 桃皮绒,麂皮绒,纱线
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 沙发布,窗帘,窗纱服装面料,床上用品,等等
绍兴绅花纺织有限公司是一家集家用纺织品开发,生产,销售及成品加工为一体的外向型中外合资企业,现有国产,进口(苏尔寿)织机一千多台,配套缝纫设备二百多台,专业生产各类家纺提花面料及床上用品.年产量为两千多万米,产品广泛用于各类宾馆,办公楼及家庭室内装饰. 公司主导面料有:沙发布,窗帘布,雪尼尔,贴墙布,箱包布等;主导成品系列有:窗帘,枕套,被套,床罩,餐桌布等.产品以其质地优良,花型美观的特点,远销世界各地,深受国内外用户的青睐. 公司坚持持续创新的原则,将以一流的设备,一流的技术,一流的信誉为您提供一流的产品. Shaoxing Shenhua Textile Co.,Ltd is a leading manufacturer speciakizes in the field of hometextile for more than 20 years in china.It is an export-oriented Sina-France company,possessing more than 1000 advanced electronic jacquard repires from Italy and 200 sewing machines.The company can produce more than 20 million meters fabrics one year which uses widely in hotel,office,and home decoration and so on. The main products include:tapestry,chenille,wall paper fabric,bag fabric,curtain,comforter,bed skirt,sham,table runner and so on.our products enjoy a good reputation around the world market for its nice quality and beatutiful designs and gain large popularity among the world.Adhering to the principle of creating continually,the company is confident to provide the best product by its advanced machines,top technique,and top cridet. The company lies in Shaoxing,a basis of china light textile,where nearby Hangzhou-Xiaoshan international airport and Hangyong expressway.It enjoys its geographical covenience in trade and investment.Xiayaorong,general manager extends welcome to all the parties interested in us to estabkish the long-term and fruitful business relationship.
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 沙发布,窗帘,窗纱服装面料,床上用品,等等
绍兴绅花纺织有限公司是一家集家用纺织品开发,生产,销售及成品加工为一体的外向型中外合资企业,现有国产,进口(苏尔寿)织机一千多台,配套缝纫设备二百多台,专业生产各类家纺提花面料及床上用品.年产量为两千多万米,产品广泛用于各类宾馆,办公楼及家庭室内装饰. 公司主导面料有:沙发布,窗帘布,雪尼尔,贴墙布,箱包布等;主导成品系列有:窗帘,枕套,被套,床罩,餐桌布等.产品以其质地优良,花型美观的特点,远销世界各地,深受国内外用户的青睐. 公司坚持持续创新的原则,将以一流的设备,一流的技术,一流的信誉为您提供一流的产品. Shaoxing Shenhua Textile Co.,Ltd is a leading manufacturer speciakizes in the field of hometextile for more than 20 years in china.It is an export-oriented Sina-France company,possessing more than 1000 advanced electronic jacquard repires from Italy and 200 sewing machines.The company can produce more than 20 million meters fabrics one year which uses widely in hotel,office,and home decoration and so on. The main products include:tapestry,chenille,wall paper fabric,bag fabric,curtain,comforter,bed skirt,sham,table runner and so on.our products enjoy a good reputation around the world market for its nice quality and beatutiful designs and gain large popularity among the world.Adhering to the principle of creating continually,the company is confident to provide the best product by its advanced machines,top technique,and top cridet. The company lies in Shaoxing,a basis of china light textile,where nearby Hangzhou-Xiaoshan international airport and Hangyong expressway.It enjoys its geographical covenience in trade and investment.Xiayaorong,general manager extends welcome to all the parties interested in us to estabkish the long-term and fruitful business relationship.
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 薄型化纤印花、提花、丝绒、植绒等
百花苑布业有限公司位于亚洲最大的轻纺产品集散地--中国轻纺城,此地经济繁荣、交通便利、商机无限。公司自创建八年以来,在董事长朱泽怀的带领下,已发展壮大成为集纺织、印染、销售于一体,并具备有较强的竞争能力的布业公司。 本公司致力于开发生产中、高档纺织面料,其产品以花形图案的创意新颖和风格独特、品质的日趋完美而深受国内外客户的青睐。产品尤以风格鲜明的薄型化纤印花、提花、丝绒、植绒等产品领导市场时尚并生产各式中高档床上面料、窗帘布。其销售网络遍布国内外各大服装市场。为进一步打开国际市场,拓展海外业务,外贸部现已全面启动,并先后与中东、欧洲等国家建立了长期的贸易合作关系。 今天的辉煌来自于昨天的艰辛,"百花苑"在剧烈的市场竞争中,运用现代化的经营理念,以多元化的管理、星级化的服务,准确、有效地把握市场信息,已经推出了具有行业导向性的新产品,树立了企业优良的美誉度,被业内人士誉为中国轻纺城的一匹黑马! 展望未来,"百花苑"人将满怀豪情地继续弘扬创业精神,励精图治,自强不息,把握机遇。我们真诚地欢迎新老客户,愿与你们共同创建新世纪更加璀灿的明天。
所在地区: 浙江