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我要发布主营产品: 手工绗缝被、工艺靠垫、工艺沙发坐垫,手工钩针坐垫、餐桌椅坐垫,圣诞树裙、卡通坐垫、汽车饰品、慢回弹枕头
浙江浦江米兰家纺是一家专业从事家用纺织品设计开发生产的企业。 目前,产品主要有手工绗缝被、工艺靠垫、工艺沙发坐垫,手工钩针坐垫、餐桌椅坐垫,圣诞树裙、卡通坐垫、汽车饰品、慢回弹枕头等十几大系列、上千款产品,产品飘洋过海远销美国、日本、德国、西班牙、韩国、乌拉圭等国。针对国内家居消费突飞猛进,公司设计开发了一系列符合国人审美口味的产品,并获得了广泛的认可。 公司自创办以来,一直注重引进先进的工艺及世界最新流行的设计,企业发展迅速,现有厂房1000平方,职工100多人。本公司拥有雄厚的设计力量,在业界率先使用电脑CAD技术进行设计、企画,大大提高了设计效率。 米兰家纺竭诚欢迎国内外客户询价参观、来样订做、看样订货,或者提出宝贵建议,本公司将为您提供最优质的产品。
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 提花布(床单、床罩、柜布等)
Established in 1976, Hangzhou Tianye Jacquard Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of jacquard and printed fabric suitable for producing curtains, sofa upholstery, tablecloths, mattress covers and bedding. Located in the city of Hangzhou, we own 2 fabric production mills, which cover an area of nearly 9,000 square meters, where we employ 500 staff and are equipped with 240 rapier looms. Utilizing advanced looms and maintaining a dedicated workforce, our monthly fabric output capacity is approximately 450,000 lineal meters. With an innovative team of engineers, we have a wide product range that includes pure polyester, blended polyester and polypropylene, blended T/C, T/R, T/V and T/chenille, pure cotton fabric and satin/brocade. Moreover, we can produce our fabric in a variety of widths ranging from 140 to 300cm and weights from 145 to 400grams per square meter. Using high quality base cloth and a wide array of colors and patterns, we can match all of the most popular design trends and meet changing market requirements. Meanwhile, in order to best complement your business, we offer comprehensive services, from basic design to finishing to packaging to shipping of completed orders. With clients around the world, export sales now account for almost one third of our total annual revenue. Working to extend our presence in the international market, we are continually seeking importers and distributors overseas. Looking to form mutually beneficial relations with all buyers, we welcome interested companies to contact us with their detailed inquiries
所在地区: 浙江
立即询盘主营产品: 提花布麂皮绒
我们是绍兴县大鸿纺织有限公司,纺织品后整理部业务科。下有分厂专门生产销售特种阻燃、PA、PU、防水涂层、透气、防绒、透湿、皮膜、涂白、涂银遮光、刮色、环保涂层、特氟隆(TEFROM)、抗静电、抗紫外线、抗菌、抗螨虫、防霉、特种防水、防油、防污及纺织品后整理的深加工。产品主要销往欧美,台湾等地.能提供客户指定的各种要求测试报告.质量可信,服务一流.欢迎新老客户来电洽谈. 价格说明 商谈 产品数量 来样定做或供应,月产量150000/米 包装说明 出口标准
所在地区: 浙江