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我要发布主营产品: 毛毡配件 毛毡制品
产品用途:适用于机械、机电、航天、航空、船舶、火车、汽车、冶金、化工、水泥、轻纺等行业用于密封、防震、绝缘、保温、隔音、隔热、过滤,用于大理石、水晶、玻璃、珠宝、精密家具、模具、不锈钢等金属行业的抛光。羊毛本身还是一种可生物降解、无毒的生态材料。 产品品种:军工特品毡(T112)、军工鞋面毡、军工鞋垫毡、细白工业羊毛毡、民用毛毡、针刺防寒毛毡、色工业毛毡、松软毛毡、毛毡圈、抛光系列、抛光毡、
所在地区: 河北
立即询盘主营产品: 针织
Originated in 1977 and transformed into a stock company in 1997, Hebei Yikang Knitting and Cotton Co., Ltd. covers an area of 42,000 square meters, including a building area of 36,000 square meters. We have 1180 staff members and workers, of which 175 are professional technicians. Our company owns 200 Shanghai-made looms, 35 Germany-made knitting machines, 80 sets of advanced dyeing machinery, and 300 sewing machines, combining weaving, dyeing, finishing, and sewing into a complete whole. With USD12 million fixed assets, our annual turnover is USD15 million. We boast an annual production capacity of 1,000 tons of warp-knitting terry cloths, 3 million meters of woven cloth. We own independent export and import right and have 20 years' experience of exporting textiles. Our products are mainly exported to Japan, North America, Europe, and Southeast Asian countries. The reason why we can grow from a small weaving mill into a comprehensive textile company is that our management always lays great emphasis on quality, regards customers' needs as supreme priority, adopts the latest invention and technology, and quickly shifts focus according to market demand. Among the first pioneers in the field of microfiber, we began producing microfiber-cleaning cloth in 1997. In 1999, we invented "Braid Water Treatment Packing" and received a patent from the China National Patent Bureau. In 2000, we passed ISO9001 International Quality System authentication. Our products include: microfiber cleaning cloth, microfiber waffle towel, microfiber tricot towel, microfiber pearl towel, various dyed cloth, terry towels, terry bathrobes, bath caps, diapers, bibs, water treatment packing, and other knitting or weaving fabrics. If you want to buy high quality textile products, we are the right company for you to contact. We sincerely welcome friends from all corners of the world to visit and do business with our company.
所在地区: 河北
立即询盘所在地区: 河北
立即询盘主营产品: 工艺台灯,窗帘,床品,家居装饰品
猛士家居飾品,源于歐洲藝術王國、羅馬帝國時代的洛可可文化。既崇尚經典創造極緻,又追求奢華的享受和挑剔的藝術質感,使洛可可文化成爲猛士家居飾品設計資源的藝術寶庫。考究的做工,半透明的面料與精美刺繡的完美結合,歐典蕾絲面料與高檔花邊的巧妙搭配,成爲猛士家居飾品獨具特色的産品風格。華貴的外表下流露出純潔、浪漫的唯美氣息,又不失現代實用功能。既有凱撒王朝宮廷飾品的高貴典雅,又能給您帶來無限的藝術享受。使源自洛可可文化的猛士家居飾品當之無愧的登上了時尚的寶座。 以皇家宮庭裝飾爲代表的洛可可文化的鼎盛時期,從建築風格到室内裝潢,從寝室用品到廳堂家具,從蕾絲服飾到生活用品,尤其以皇家宮庭裝飾爲代表的洛可可文化,無一不體現着人類社會的文明與皇家貴族們的尊崇的氣派,地位和身份的高貴的身份和顯赫的地位。猛士家居飾品正是延續了這洛可可文化的經典,再加上猛士人對家飾行業的酷愛,對事業、對人生、對高品味的執着追求,同時又引進了歐洲社會大量的現代主意版本加以融彙,從而演繹出猛士家居飾品既繼承和發揚了傳統的精華,又注入現代主義的文明與實用的産品風格。猛士家居飾品具備了高貴典雅、時尚浪漫、簡潔約明快而又豐富多變的藝術魅力,她給現代時尚的文明家庭帶來了不可低估的裝飾效果,也給您的家庭創造了無限的溫馨和浪漫的情懷,這是其它藝術品所無法替代的一種感覺,也是時尚女性所特有的審美需求。
所在地区: 河北