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莱芜轻纺进出口有限公司成立于1994年,下属莱芜裕丰纺织服装有限公司。固定资产1500万元,占地6万平方米,建筑面积6000平方米,现有职工近1000人,其中技术骨干140多人。生产环境干净整洁,工人工作经验丰富,设备先进,技术力量雄厚,有各类服装逢制机设备700余台,其中牛仔专用配套设备160台、日本重机产高速平缝机200台、国产平缝机210台、包缝机38台、圆头锁眼机5台、平头锁眼机8台、四针机4台、打结机12台、装扣机15台、双针机20台、粘合机2台、检针机2台、蒸汽熨烫设备26套、专用免烫设备1套及水洗设备等。 公司有自营进出口权,主要经营各类纺织面料及服装成品的进出口 。成品产品有:各式西裤、休闲裤、水洗免烫裤、牛仔服、夹克衫、防寒服、睡衣、毛巾浴衣、PVC时装、床上用品等同时应香港客户要求与江苏省某针织企业建立常年合作关系,加工各类针织产品,有各式内衣、运动衫、T恤衫等。我公司常年为美国沃尔玛、日本的某产业会社等加工产品,年产值2亿元人民币,出口额2000万美圆。以技术力量雄厚、产品质量优良,信誉高赢得了国外客户的高度评价。
所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: 产品目录,有梭:C40/40 133X72 47” 1/1,C40/40 96X96 54” 1/1,C40/40 133X72 67” 2/1,JC60/60 90X88 50”64” 1/1,喷织:JC40/40 143X112 67” 2/1,JC60/60 200X165 67” 4/1 ,JC80/80 200X218 67” 4/1,JC100/100 200X220 67” 3/1,JC40/40 127X79(97)98-105”4/1,JC40/40 145X100 116” 4/1,JC40/40 145X83 118” 4/1,JC60/40 173X121 98” 4/1,JC60/40 164X126 98” 4/1,JC60/40 173X118 105”118”120”122” 4/1,JC60/60 173X156 98-120” 4/1,JC60X80 173X180 98-120” 4/1,JC80/80 200X183 121” 4/1,JC40/40 140X120 94”缎条,JC60/40 17
我司目前有进口喷气织机290台,普通织机有:日本丰田190型60台,280型48台,336型12台,日本津田驹340型72台。小提花织机:日本丰田280型14台,340型18台,津田驹360型18台。大提花机有:丰田280型12台,340型16台 公司可承接47-135”各类全棉府绸,斜纹,缎纹,大提花,小提花等各类床上用品面料。
所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: 坯布,毛巾,
处位于山东省潍坊市有多年的纺织经验,有几十个规格一定数量的现货,同时我们还可为您定织38“-128”寸的各种坯布(C、T/C、R、T/R)以及帆布产品,欢迎来电索取产品目录,来电05368268667来E-mail 必复,我们将以质优价廉的产品与您建立长期合作关系!
所在地区: 山东
立即询盘主营产品: machine/computer embroidered table cloths ,curtains,napkins,coasters,sofa covers and beddings.
Rizhao Hualong Embroidery Company is located in Rizhao, which is a beautiful open up coastal city of Shandong and adjoins to Japan,South Korea.Transportation and communications here is very convenient.This company was founded in 1994. It''s fixed assets amount to 8 million yuan and its construction area is of 5000 square meters.It''s products are exported to European Countries including Germany, Italy,Greece,Great Britain and France. The company boast of strong technological and good producing condition. In light of Science and technology ,this company has sent its designing personnels to study overseas for many times.Thus the products are of good quality.The annual production capability is 30 million yuan,and the company is becoming a embroidery base combing disign,production and training. After it obtained Import and Export License,the company has more marketing potentials and it is a better partner for customers both at home and abroad.
所在地区: 山东