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我要发布主营产品: 真丝、丝棉系列家纺用品,各类特宽幅及常规真丝、真丝交织面料。,
所在地区: 四川
立即询盘主营产品: 纺织品,家用纺织品
SiChuan textiles I/E LTD. is a foreign trade enterprise specializing in the import and export of textiles . The company has 6department as follows: cotton fabric department ,synthetic fibre department, printed and dyed cloth department, garment department and import department. With annual export amounting US60 million ,our business transactions are spread widely both at home and abroad. We ranked one of the 200 largest textiles I/E enterprises in mainland China in 2002. Supported by talented professional ad a few factories, we can provide you complete service, steady supply and reliable quality for your satisfaction. Count on our efficient production management team and organized QC system .Don’t hesitate to contact us now!
所在地区: 四川
立即询盘主营产品: 床上用品,床单,床罩,被套,枕套,被芯,枕芯,靠垫,羽绒被,羊毛被,丝绵被,蚕丝被 等.
成都百隆家纺有限公司创立于1982年,是一家专业设计、生产、销售寝室用品的企业。公司拥有一批高素质的管理人才和技术人员,现代化园林式生产基地,电脑绗缝机、电脑绣花机、全自动装被设备及其它先进缝制设备500台。 一直以来,我们秉承营造寝室精品生活的服务理念,实施全面科学的品质管理,一切以满足消费者需求为导向,生产出品质优良的床上用品系列,赢得了国内外消费者的青睐与赞誉。随着公司的不断发展与扩张,我们在西安、昆明、重庆、郑州等重要城市设立了分公司或办事处,产品远销澳大利亚、东南亚等地。 卓而不凡的设计与精湛的工艺打造出高贵典雅的品质,心灵手巧的我们为您编织一片彩异动人的锦绣天地,让您舒适生活每一天!
所在地区: 四川