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我要发布主营产品: 床罩,床单,被套,枕套
所在地区: 上海
立即询盘主营产品: 主要生产各类高档螺旋缎档毛巾、浴巾;大刮底印花浴巾、各类提花巾被产品,纯棉拉舍尔棉毯、浴衣、晴纶毯等。产品出口日本、美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、加拿大、东南亚等三十多个国家和地区。登录可看到我们的部分产品。,We are primarily engaged in various categories of high-grade towel products including spiral satin towel, bath towel, printed bath towel, jacquard towel and sheets, pure cotton lashier blanket, bathrobe, acrylic blanket, etc. The company sells its products domestically and in
上海亚光家纺有限公司是山东亚光纺织集团的控股公司,是应中国家用纺织品行业协会上海分会和上海家用纺织品工业园区的邀请,为实施一区一业一强规划,在上海注册的具有独立法人资格和自营出口权的唯一一家公司,以外贸为主,主营以“亚光”牌毛巾、毛巾被、浴巾、棉毯、睡衣为主的高中档家用纺织品。山东亚光纺织集团是中国最大的毛巾生产企业,拥有资产11亿元,纱锭12万枚,年产棉纱30000吨,各类织机2000余台,平网印花机生产线20条,年产各类巾被10000万条,年销售收入10亿元,其中出口交货值6亿元,自营出口创汇5000多万美元。产品出口到欧洲、日本、美国、澳大利亚等三十多个国家。取得了ISO9002国际质量体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证、欧洲OEKO—TEX100生态纺织品认证,是中国家纺协会首批唯一一家“三星级”标志企业。 Shanghai Yaguang Home Textile Co., Ltd., a holding company under Shangdong Yaguang Textile Group, is mainly engaged in exporting high-grade towel products, including spiral satin towel, bath towel, printed bath towel, jacquard towel and sheets, pure cotton lashier blanket, bathrobe, acrylic blanket, etc. Towel giant Yaguang Textile, one of the largest and comprehensive towel manufacturing enterprises in China, enjoys a high reputation home and aboard. Granted the world ISO 9002 quality certificate in August 1999 and the ISO14001 environment management certificate in June 2002, Yaguang stands higher on the list as the "AAA Top Enterprise", the only one of its kind in China, voted by the Chinese Household Textile Products Association.
所在地区: 上海